I wouldn't have even cared about this woman if she just left The Young Capitalist's contest alone. Couldn't do that. [b]*Sighs*[/b] The reason this is blowing up is because people have finally hit boiling point about the corruption in the Games "Journalism" industry. They've finally gotten tired of people being [url=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116360-Jeff-Gerstmann-Explains-His-Departure-From-Gamespot]fired[/url] for giving honest reviews. They've finally gotten tired of people being called [url=http://kotaku.com/5883107/does-david-jaffe-really-recommend-his-new-game-as-a-sexual-aid]misogynists[/url], even when there's no evidence for it. It's plainly obvious that they're outright no better than TMZ when articles like [url=http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/22/gaming-misogyny-gets-infinite-lives-zoe-quinn-virtual-rape-and-sexism.html]this[/url] are given the greenlight, but nobody wants to talk about how Zoe Quinn stated that cheating = rape, then proceeded to cheat multiple times. No. Lets not talk about that. Lets not talk about an actual case of potential sexual predation. Lets talk about how everyone else must be a rapist because they have a dick and Zoe does not, hurr hurr hurr. Games Journalism is a ship full of rats. Watch them cannibalize each other when given the chance, I guarantee you, it will be quite a sight. EDIT Oh, and here, have a free Stanley Kubrick machine gif for that last article. You're gonna need it to get through the insane stupidity for what is once again a massively overblown, massively retarded situation that should have just stayed in the bedroom of a dumb cheating [s]woman[/s] [b]girl[/b] and her dumb ex-boyfriend. [img]http://i.imgur.com/NUKnI8r.gif[/img]