[center] [img=http://www.germaniainternational.com/images/newpg4opener.gif] "Alas yet another year has passed another grand year for the Empire! With the creation of the Sbor fermera (farmer's levy) our nation can make sure even during war our people are well feed. Even though peace talks with the chinese are underway I still think it is in our best interests to continue to arm and prepare for war as insurance incase our talks fail.The treacherous Japanese are still on the war path and currently all attempts to atleast begin a peace talk are denied. I fear for the Japanese people as they are mislead and are charging into a war which if they do not cease will be their downfall.They free violent dissidents, traitors, criminals, and enemies of the Russian people as they march through siberia in hopes of inciting unrest.I must say that when we strike back we shall give their people no quater just as they have with our own! We shall not fail this day the european powers shall overcome the primitive and billegerant japanese, with the blood and sweat of the People of Russia we shall succed! -Tsar Alexander II, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland [/center]