[u]Basic Information[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Poppy Flanagan [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] Strawberry, princess, brat [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 14 almost 15 [b]Height:[/b] 4'11½" [b]Weight:[/b] 98 lbs [b]Status:[/b] New student [u]Appearance[/u] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Fiery red [b]Eye Color:[/b] Emerald green [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Irish American [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Poppy's most prominent feature is her carrot top mop, which is a fitting description for how much she has. Her hair has a lot of volume, waviness. It flows to just bellow her shoulder blades. Being short makes her head large by comparison to her body. This in combination with lingering baby fat makes her face look rounded, almost doll like were it completely symmetrical. Because of her small size her eyes seem unproportionately large to for head. This and the fact she inherited her mothers long eyelashes contribute to half the reason one of her nicknames is brat. Whether or not she agrees, her grooming practices back it up. If somebody looked close enough they would be able to tell that her eyebrows are plucked and manicured to be thin. Tripping while learning how to walk in heels has made her petite nose slightly crooked ever since. It's her hope to get it corrected once she stops growing. Poppy got her prominent ears pierced in four places as a fashion experiment and a way to spite her parents. As of the moment her uppermost ones are in the process of healing, the lower ones remain in use. Additionally her reckless nature earned her a few scars, all them are easy to hide except one bellow her chin. It remains as a horizontal line of discoloration nearly an inch in length. Her mouth is a above average sized and makes her lips look thin. The Flanagan's dentist has kept her pearly whites in good shape. Unfortunately for her they didn't come in very straight. Poppy's teeth are a bit staggered, her smile gap toothed. She used to wear braces, but since coming to the academy she has switched to using a retainer at night. Tiny freckles are interspersed all over her body, most heavily clustered on her cheeks and back. Moles must like the same places, because she has one on her right cheek and shoulder blade. Splotchy pigmentless birthmarks are reoccurring on her body. Most of them are small, the exception are ones on her head, neck, and back. She's pretty pale so what isn't hidden by hair or clothes doesn't stand out to much, nonetheless though she takes cover up to the places that show each day. Like many girls first introduced to makeup Poppy uses quite a bit. However, unlike some of them she knows how to apply it properly. One of the only parts of her routine that hasn't changed since being enrolled at the academy. Poppy adamantly insists on using primer, lipstick/gloss, foundation, blush, contour, highlight, mascara, eyeliner, penciling, nail polish, the whole shebang. If she has colors other than black, white, red, pink, and purple she doesn't use them. Her build is slender, yet slightly chubby all over in the way only a child can be. Before the bodies fat starts congregating in certain areas. Though she has started into puberty, she is no where near to being a woman yet. [b]Attire:[/b] A decent portion of Poppy's wardrobe came along with her to the academy. This encompasses of skirts, blouses, dresses, gowns, camisoles, scarfs, shawls, stockings, and other formal wear. Footwear consists of slippers, heels, flats, pumps, sandals, D'Orsays, and boots. Even though she isn't big on headwear there are a number of sun, cocktail, Cecile, and Victorian hats to chose from in addition to bonnets, bows, headbands and veils. Their color palettes are identical to her choice in cosmetics. Jewelry of precious metal supplemented with valuable gems make up the bulk of her other accessories. These are worn in relative moderation. The only notable pieces are silver cross that her parents hoped would liken her to Catholicism, and a ten carat gold diamond ring that belonged to her great grandmother. Poppy doesn't process a single pair of pants or shorts. I'll specify her exact outfits IC. [u]Personality[/u] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Spunky, sassy, arrogant, and opinionated are all good words to describe Poppy. She is perceived as prim and proper little girl that has way to much energy. Her impressive vocabulary combined with the fact she can talk a mile a minute often make conversation with her a quite a doozy. A high pitched voice doesn't help either. It's hard to politely disengage with her, because she can't take a hint when she's being a nuisance. Just about everyone has their breaking point, some sooner than others, and when they do tell her to buzz off she always does her best to make a scene. She'll use any combination of pouting, crossing her arms, looking away, contemptuous sound effects, name calling, or even wailing on the person with her tiny little fists. For her age she is surprisingly found of swear words, or more likely he effect they produce. Regardless of the case she rarely goes on for more than five minutes unless she receives undue attention. Of course this is rarely positive attention, and feisty Poppy isn't one to back down. Strangely though if she really gets somebody on a roll she will quiet up an simply smile at them until they quit or run out of breath. Each time she raps up her antics suddenly and moves on to something else. Finally Poppy is quite demanding. It's like a game to her to see how long it takes for people to cave into her whims. How polite she is depends on a multitude of factors. On the inside Poppy always feels alone. In her efforts to get noticed she usually instead finds herself pushing others away. This a viscous cycle that has been going on ever since she was first enrolled in school. As a result she harbors resentment against those who are able to fit in and furthermore herself. More than once this has burst forth into sudden aggression, or prompted her to do something dangerous to see if anyone really cares. In the few cases where she has been made to feel like she belongs her true colors emerge. Poppy at heart is friendly, if a bit bossy. Should she ever join a group of friends she'd have no need to solicit everyone for attention. Additionally, she has a very idealistic view of the world. In her mind people should reap what they sow. To her it is incomprehensible when bad things happen to good people and vice versa. Poppy is extremely protective of her allies, and will do whatever it takes to keep them around. However it is a delicate balance, for in the past she has been overbearing and brought her own doubts to fruition. Each time Poppy has gotten close to somebody only for them to leave they have left an even bigger rift in her heart than the one they were filling. Aside from what's listed above Poppy has the same fears and desires shared by most teenage girls. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Poppy is constantly looking for attention or that can make feel recognized, special, excited, talented, all the feelings her childhood lacks. She will go from one person to another trying all sorts of things. Anything that promotes a reaction she will keep up. Beyond this she is into what most young girls are. Dolls, stuffed animals, arts and crafts, sweet treats, cartoons, playing dress up, and so on. On the flip side she has some tomboy like tendencies, examples include mutilating her toys and watching relatively violet shows. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Poppy is smarter than her grade level as it was the only thing that her parents wouldn't let slide. Getting constant one on one tutoring has it's perks even if she doesn't realize it. Following this is things like dance, how to talk, and even how to walk in a formal manner. From a young age a bow and violin we placed in her hands, over the years she has become a talented musician. Due to her upbringing she can speak both English and Irish fluently, she is currently learning French. Lastly, Poppy is clever and rather good at getting what she wants. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] A naked barbie doll with it's blonde hair clipped unevenly. It is also missing a leg. Poppy named it Paulina, she tries to keep it out of sight of others. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Let's play house! I'll be me and you'll be my servant. Okay?"[/i] [b]History/Bio:[/b] A pretty standard story of a neglected, but otherwise pampered little girl. Poppy was raised by a nanny and sent to a prestigious private school. Servants waited on her every need and if it could be bought with money it was hers. This lasted most of grade school until her inability to keep her hands to herself got her thrown out. In place her parents hired a private tutor instead of addressing the problem. All in all she was well on track to becoming a lonely selfish person. All that changed when her father failed to keep yet another promise. Something unexplained happened that wound him in the hospital. What was certain however is that is Poppy was somehow involved. So when an invitation to the academy came they were all too willing to send her off. [b]Family:[/b] Daughter of Anna and Conor Flanagan, no siblings or extended family [u]Relationships[/u] [b]Gabe Valos[/b] | [b]One eyed bitch[/b] | [b]Random student[/b] | "[i]I looked in your direction, get over it. If I didn't see her again it'd make things easy.[/i]" [b]Jarred Winston[/b] | [b]Great if he didn't smoke[/b] | [b]Fellow student[/b] | "[i]Only person that has treated me nicely so far, then again I never really got a chance with running from the table and all. In any case he's gone out of his way to help me without being asked.[/i]" [b]Theresa Obott[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Roommate[/b] | "[i]It was really awkward when I first found out I'd be sharing a room with her, but I am starting to realize she isn't that different... I'm sure we'll be friends.[/i]" [b]Dana Alcott[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Disabled Lady[/b] | "[i]She has been nice so far.[/i]" [b]Henry Olin[/b] | [b]Scared of[/b] | [b]Scary Lizard[/b] | "[i]I don't know how Theresa isn't frightened...[/i]" [u]Abilities[/u] [b]Power Class:[/b] Energy/Cerebral 4-8 [b]Power:[/b] Poppy can transform into a physical manifestation of retribution, a combination of vengeance embodiment and empowerment. This ability requires fuel in the form of her desire to punish others for their trespasses. Whether it's against her or someone else it doesn't matter, if she considers an action wrong it will add to the strength of her next or current use. Multiple offenses and perpetrators compound. Once Poppy reaches the point where she would consider violent revenge her power is primed for use. When activated her body becomes an eerie red, somewhat translucent energy. Matching spectral wings and talons protrude from her back and fingertips. While in use Poppy gains incredible strength, and a destructive aura proportionate to her desire to punish. The latter extends up to three inches from her body and also serves a defensive purpose by degrading attacks that pass through it. At the lowest her physical prowess is equivalent to an adult male in peak physical condition, the damaging aura would be similar to natural fire if all materials were equally flammable. In the past it has gotten to where Poppy could throw cars, at this level her aura is comparable to contacting a plasma arc. Regardless of how wronged she feels her other capabilities always remain the same. These are complete dark vision, supernatural flight at a maximum sustainable speed of thirty five miles per hour, and defunct physiology. Damage sustained while powered up is not transferred her human form and is reset upon powering down. Later on she will gain the ability to relinquish her energy through forgiveness and use it to heal rather than transform. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Firstly, Poppy is unable to use her power freely as stated above. She has to both be wronged to the point of aggression and in the presence of the one responsible. Anyone who she herself has wronged can get even with her without giving her power, after all it's only fair. Next, while in her embodiment she gets tunnel vision for those who deserve punishment. Her transformation may not look that much different, but make no mistake that all that remains of her is blind desire with no self conservation whatsoever. Unsurprisingly her tactics in battle are reckless and predictable. This also makes training with her gift useless to her and dangerous to others. To emphasize her focus she is unable to physically interact with or harm those who are on neutral terms or better with her. However, they are still able to physically interact with her. Whether Poppy collides with them or phases through depends on who instigated the contact. Keep in mind that she can still make enemies of those who start conflict with her. Additionally, vengeance is only served once and it doesn't matter how. Upon delivering suitable retribution she returns to human form unconscious and her former target(s) are given clean slates as far as her power goes. If she chooses to get back at them in any other fashion the same thing goes. For example if somebody called her a name and she spat one right back she would gain nothing against them. Finally, Poppy has to know who wronged her with one hundred percent certainty. This means witnessing it or hard evidence. Should she be fooled and attempt to exact revenge on the wrong person she will immediately lose access to her gift and take the damage she would have dealt to her human form. The duration of the downtime is tied to how long it takes for the self inflicted wound to heal. Mind effects and illusions used in this fashion are extremely effective at countering her before she powers up.