[quote=Bluebe123] "You know, was the one who threw it in the first place." he proclaimed, "Why don't you use it agains--GAH!" He narrowly dodge the knife, "You son of a bitch! I was in cuffs!" Robert yelled, "...And I dropped the key. Time to dislocate my wrists." [/quote] "Like I care." Roxy told him. "Your the dipstick that encouraged him to stab me in the ass." [quote=Saarebas] Aiden smirked. "And if I wanted to hit you I would of thrown more knives." He added to the girl's lecture. "Then again you can do so much more with a knife when you are up close." [/quote] "That is enough children." Vlad scolded. "It looks like everyone can handle knives but Robert."