[hider=Appearance] [img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/d207c5c39785113504a89f4d2b5557f0/tumblr_mzxlbnU1df1rgyw5zo1_1280.jpg] [/hider] Name: Nyame, Star Caller. Race: Leonin Gender: Male Class: Wizard Background: Nyame's people come from a plains nation out of the way of most of civilization. They are a nomadic race of humanoid lions, known for their ferocity in battle and cold attitude towards outsiders. They are both shepherds and hunters, and are known, magically, primarily for druidism. Though Druids make up most of their mages, they do have a smaller tradition of wizardry that is based upon power derived from celestial bodies. Nyame, whose family title Star Caller is an allusion to their astrology based magic, comes from this tradition. The Leonin have only recently been approached by outsiders, hence their less than welcome attitude towards them, but the Crescent Academy sent an agent to invite some of their Mages to the school, in hopes of trading knowledge. The Star Callers debated the subject, and in the end their youngest, Nyame, was sent to the school to learn what he can. Other: Though the Crescent Academy originally wanted to gain knowledge from the Star Callers, Nyame has thus far been rather tight lipped about the specifics of his magic. He is still learning the culture and even the written language that is common to other people. Though he's perfectly willing to demonstrate his skill, he doesn't trust most of the outsiders enough to share with them the technique behind it. Star Caller's Staff: A staff that stands as tall as Nyame, and topped with a spherical crystal. Upon basic observation, the crystal looks to be full of small imperfections, though the surface itself is quite clear. The shaft of the staff is wood, and carved with astronomical signs and diagrams. It is the equivalent of a dictionary to him, and even a minor damage could erase the esoteric knowledge, and require weeks to years of intensive study of the sky to re-write. Despite this, the shaft is mundane compared to the crystal. Though magic was used in the creation of the crystal, mathematics actually played a greater role, and the crystal is not inherently magical itself. What it is is a star map. The miniscule "flaws" one can see on the inside of the transparent crystal are actually quite intentional features. When one stands on flat ground, on a clear day, it can show one the exact position of stars at that time of day. It takes some knowledge to utilize properly, as it has to be rotated to face the sun at exactly the right side, to account for the exact day of the year. Even when not in use, the crystal atop the staff is always casting images of constellations and other celestial bodies as light passes through it.