Sonja woke up with a start. She was jailed up in a little cage. She spotted other hybrids, caged up more thoroughly. A chain was wrapped around her leg. "What the hell is going on?" "We've been captured, dumbass. Us hybrids, we're done for." she saw a blond guy she didn't know in a different cage, with sharp claws on his hands and feet. "We're in the weakling chamber, the lame hybrids." Sonja sighed with relief. "HELLO? HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE! I don't belong here. I'm not a hybrid." She checked her pocket for her pistol and was relieved to find it still there. Natasha woke up. Her hands were bound, and a heavy anklet was on her foot. She immediately started screaming. "LET ME OUT!" A 80 year old man suddenly roared angrily, and his lion body pawed at the ground. His hair was burning with electricity. A sign at the locked steel door in the chamber of hybrids read "WARNING: HIGH THREAT." Natasha didn't know why someone would test an 80-year old man and supposed that whatever happened made him age faster in the first place. She hissed and looked at the chains binding her hands. She tried bracing the chain on the iron bars and ripping her hands out. No luck. She decided to pick the lock on the chain instead. She looked for soomething to pick it with. Finally Natasha sat down and stared at her clawed feet. She used her claw to pick at the keyhole, but it failed. She took a pinfrom her hair and tried to pick the lock with that. The chainholding her lefthand opened. Relieved, She opened the other chain and looked at her little box, then felt her pocket for her weapon. It was there, like it had allways been.