"Whoa whoa whoa." the boy flinched as the redhead made her way right past him, standing by the door before he even got a chance to get another word out. Before his gaze met hers, it settled on the blonde, and he mouthed a quiet 'help me' with a chuckle following right after, blinking down at the red-haired girl as he made his way past her and stood outside the room, bowing his head to her in respect. "Meant nothing of it, sweetheart. See, this really is a new country to me. Signs are a bit twisted. Rules are a bit off. People are a bit strange. A guy like me, I could get lost anywhere, really." He smirked. That really wasn't the case, back home at least. "Okay, miss student-council-representative. I'm all yours. Show me where I'm supposed to go, and I'll willingly follow. In fact, I think I might just have to, haha." His hand moved to his glasses and he adjusted them as he gazed up, blankly at the ceiling, and then let his eyes trail down until they stopped at the same damned sign that misled him. It wasn't his fault, it looked almost exactly the same to the other one! The character for "dormitory" did, anyway. Nonetheless, he followed the girl, humming a quiet tune and tugging the trolley-bag along behind him, careful not to hurt anyone in the process. "This doesn't seem like such a bad place after all, huh? So you were here last year, what do [i]you[/i] think it's like?"