[IMG]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/124/5/b/dyson_sphere_by_ipid-d4wn4pr.jpg[/IMG] [Center][B]Jenolen Station[/B][/Center] This is not your Grandfather's Fleet Here at Jenolen Station it is our mission to explore the grandest expanse ever known to the Federation ; Jenolen Station. This is a Star Trek without the Stars I some ways it's Steampunk Star Trek I'm not saying that this is Steampunk because the Federation outside of Jenolen Dyson sphere is the same as in the shows. Inside the sphere though the only way that the Federation can explore is by using High Tech Zeppelin which I will explain in the OOC If you don't know what a Dyson sphere is then here's a quicky explanation from Memory Alpha a Star Trek Resource site A Dyson sphere was a colossal spherical structure constructed around a star, completely surrounding it. The interior of the sphere would absorb the entire energy output of that star, allowing for lifeforms to live on the interior surface almost indefinitely. Such a structure was theorized by 20th century physicist Freeman Dyson in the late 1950s. The Enterprise in orbit around the sphere For the interior of a Dyson sphere to be habitable to most humanoid lifeforms, the radius of the sphere must be such that habitable temperatures (5 – 30 °C) are maintained. The radius would therefore depend on the size and the energy output of the star around which the sphere would be constructed; if a Dyson sphere were to be constructed around the Earth's sun, the radius would have to be approximately one astronomical unit. At such a radius, the interior surface area would be about 2.8 e17×1017 km2 (1.1 e17×1017 mi2), or 550 million times the entire surface area of the planet Earth. Such a surface area could easily support the lives of many quadrillions (1 e15×1015) of beings. Unsurprisingly, due to the almost immeasurable amounts of effort, resources and time required to construct such an immense structure, only one Dyson sphere has ever been discovered. This particular sphere encased a G-type star and had a diameter of 200 million kilometers, giving it an internal surface area of approximately 250 million M-class planets. As no radiant sunlight or solar wind escaped from the sphere, starships were not able to detect it until they were almost on top of it. As a result, the USS Jenolan crashed onto it in 2294 after being pulled in by the sphere's immense gravity well while en route to the Norpin colony. So as you can see this is a chance to explore like no other