[quote=Rockette] Sorry I've been away! I don't air out personal matters [or try not to] but emergencies came up! I now have a niece [!] and I've been up at the hospital, she was borne a month and a half early [complications on my brother's fiance of carrying to term] so she's in NICU for a little while.On the current subject manner: I'm sure it'll be required for quick exchanges of conversation rather. It won't bother me to do so, it'll be a first though on my part.Give us an example of what you're thinking about, Prisk?Edit:To show that I am working on Roy's picture, Six! It's just taking a little while longer. dx [/quote] First off, congratulations Rockette~! I bet the little miss is nothing but a cutie pie! (I was really tempted to make a Pewdiepie reference ....). I hope she'll be alright~! [quote=Prisk] Okay, the floor is open to some conversation with Sofia and other reactions. Anima, please post your character sheet in the depository. This post was difficult for many reasons, so please excuse the rushed nature of it (story progression wise). [/quote] And the secrecy banished and the reveal done! I will post the character sheet as soon as I can! [quote=Rockette] OHOHOHOHI bloody well knew it! Soon as I made that banner!Very nice post girls, some times things need to be rushed and picked up to get things going! I really love Sofia. d;I can get in a post either tonight or tomorrow. [/quote] Thanks for keeping your thoughts a secret Rockette! Please take credit for the beautiful banner you made as well~!