Alex nodded slowly in understanding as Asgard explained why she was here. He hadn't known about the Capitol nearly being blown up, but that was definitely something she would be interested in. He wasn't sure if it warranted an in person report, but then again typing may have been a bit beyond him at the moment as well. His interest was then piqued as she presented her request, which was certainly an important position, to say the least, and her question, which seemed to make her unexpectedly nervous. He cleared his throat before he started. "Well, I did meet this man, Cole Carton, and we had a bit of a disagreement. He was some kind of pyromaniac anarchist who wanted to get into the Capitol for some reason. After the initial bombing I followed him, and was able to locate him in a hotel. Sadly, he took them hostage, and I chose to surrender myself rather than let innocents be harmed. But he double crossed me in the end. Fortunately, I escaped relatively unharmed, and I'm told the hotel was evacuated before it exploded." He frowned in thought. "Somehow Carton had a tome, that released a spray that exploded on his command." He then turned to her request. "I would be honored to,' he replied with as much a bow as he could manage sitting in bed. To be at the side of Asgard herself in..whatever this was, it would be an affirmation of what he had worked so hard for, even if he wasn't in it for personal advancement. Her question made him frown, and he diverted his gaze as he best thought to answer. It was a fairly personal question after all, though he was surprised it wasn't in his personnel files. But perhaps she wanted to hear it from him direct. "My parents died in the riots that struck after Unification when I was little. Those who did it were never brought to justice, though the riots themselves were crushed." He gave a sad smile as he remembered, old thoughts that pained his heart. "I suppose I became disillusioned with humanity, our predisposition for pointless violence, and I saw the Ultimatum as the true chance for world peace, where there was no more warfare between nations, where conflict would end. And I wanted to be a part of that, to uphold the laws that would keep society functioning. After all, without the law everything would collapse into anarchy." He shrugged. "I'm not sure if that was the answer you were looking for, but I believe in the law, probably more than I believe in humanity itself, sadly enough. Laws provide order, structure, and hold back humanities destructive impulses. And that is something I feel is worth working for"