Rhyle was startled to see a new wolf approach everyone else and her ears twitched forwards in curiosity. She wasn't really very wary when it came to new wolves, she was self confident in her speed and in her agility and in her judge of character. Even if she didn't know enough about Niall to actually judge him just yet she knew enough about Svan to know she'd take very little nonsense and she trusted her... So, the fact that she was irritated but not outright aggressive meant that Rhyle wasn't all that concerned. Still, it wasn't her place to admit new people... not that anyone really had a PLACE but she didn't feel comfortable stepping on Mikhail's toes... He intimidated her a bit with his unshakable calm. Still, she greeted the stranger. [i]Nice to meet you... I'm Rhyle.[/i] She bumped her shoulder against Leo's, [i]This is Leo...[/i] She would let everyone else introduce themselves in the meantime she sniffed the air and, having grown impatient with politics of the group, she flicked her ears again, hearing someone else approach and catching the familiar scent. She perked up as Walker slinked into view, looking like he expected to be pounced upon. She seated herself and cocked her head at him, [i]It's good to see you Walker. You gonna track for us tonight?[/i] ~*~ Mikhail watched as Niall stepped into view and greeted Svan, his stance remained relaxed though he watched the new wolf closely and took in the way he moved and carried himself... You could tell much by another's character this way, or so Mikhail felt. As the stranger greeted the rest of them Mikhail listened to Rhyle's happy welcome and then responded as well. [i]Welcome stranger... I fear these are hard times you come to us in. As Svan's brother you've the benefit of the doubt but if you plan to stay with us for a time, I should like to explain these things to you... At a later date of course, the others are desperate for a hunt... You are welcome to join us, if it is alright with Svan.[/i] He watched as the others greeted Walker and would have been smiling if he'd been able, it was a wolfish grin rather than one of approval... but it was all he could manage in this form. [i]Thank you for coming Walker... it is good to see you among the group. As my... As Rhyle has said, would you like to track for us tonight?[/i]