[indent][b]Envy[/b] [i]noun[/i] 1. a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. "she felt a twinge of envy for the people on board" synonyms: jealousy, covetousness[/indent] --- [center]How nice would it be to just kill someone for their desired traits? Your parents don't love you because your grades suck? Just kill the ace student, get their smarts. Can't seem to pass that driver's test? Kill the examiner- revenge and skill, what a two for one deal! Sadly enough, this amazing talent just doesn't run right in the real world- only can be read about in fantasies and dreamt about when sleeping. But... what if? What if?[/center] - For some inexplicable reason, you've become Envious enough to kill. For what? Charm? Strength? Intelligence? Silliness? In fact, your desire has been so heavily noticed that you've been entered into I.N.V.U. What is that you ask? Simply put, it's a demon's game. Whatever trait you want, it can be fulfilled by the simple act of killing. That's right- straight up murder. --- questions? interests? i will require: a small number of Dedicated persons that will post at least once a day literate rping style a sense of humour. as bloody as i want this rp to be, i also want it to be, at times, comedic