Alright. Sorry I disappeared guys. Lovely thing called real life tends to get in the way. Back now and almost ready for the first mission. So Y'all know who she is. Name: Amelia (Amy) Helm AKA Agent Maine Age: 24 Gender:Female Appearance:[img=] Armor color:[img=] Ability:Regeneration field. Specialization:Medic Personality:A bit childish and playful when not in a battle situation. Her carefree manner hides her feels of insecurity and inadequacy. Falling asleep in random places and somehow eating chocolate while in her armor is how she spends her free time in between trainings. Once in battle she kicks into high gear and thinks of nothing but getting her squad out alive and in one piece. She doesn't often think twice before jumping in front of gun fire for a comrade, which is were Sigma comes in. AI Character Sheet Name:Sigma Personality:Very kind Functionality:Analyzes injuries, possible injuries, and treatments in the field. Keeps Amelia from saying stupid things.