[b]Triss Merril - The Derelict - 8:37 AM August 25th, 2089[/b] There was something both incredibly therapeutic and incredibly terrifying about being in the zero gravity vacuum of space, clad in a heavy airtight suit and only kept from floating into the void by a thick cable tether. It was here that Triss Merril could feel truly at peace, among the great constructs of the old humans that existed pre-apocalypse. Byzantium was, of course, built on the ruins of a derelict space station, and a lot of work went into maintaining it. But today Triss's job was incredibly monotonous. As Byzantium took more people in, it had to be expanded. The old earth space station had plenty of room, but much of it was still in shambles. So Triss and a swarm of others have been set with the task to patch up the hull breaches that littered the old station, making it air tight and liveable. A very long and arduous job, but one that bought a unique sense of peace. It was amazing to look out from one of the breaches and see the wasteland that is Earth. It reminded Triss of how far she has come to get here. So Triss continued, finding happiness in her work. [b]Triss Merril - Outward Distric t- 4:30 PM August 25th, 2089[/b] The outward district. Triss didn't like to be here, but the walk was required to get to the old parts of the station. Traveling through the Outward District was her least favorite part of the day. The walk to the nearest transit station was a short one, but anything could happen in that short timespan. The engineers always stuck together here. Safety in numbers. The Outward District was a very scary place still, especially to Triss. There was always a ne'er-do-well on every street corner and the occasional gunshot or scream breaking out over the avenues. A single sentry often escorted the group, but today it was strangely absent. It's well known that the AI Drones are becoming far too spread thin. Perhaps more should be created, but it often isn't that simple. Did Byzantium have to resources to mass produce AI? Few could say. But thankfully Triss's walk today was uneventful. She always stuck to the center of the group of engineers, although she didn't know many of them, and few wished to talk to her. Perhaps something about her was slightly off-putting. [b]Triss Merril - Residential Sector - 7:04 PM August 25th, 2089[/b] It was during the evening hours that Triss found herself lost. Not in the sense that she didn't know where she was, but she lost herself. During her time alone, she realized she has no idea who she is anymore. She definitely isn't the happy girl she was back before... everything. She could hardly speak to a stranger without losing her composure. The only time she was at true peace was in the bowels of Byzantium, working. She found true happiness floating high above Earth, barely kept from sinking into the endless black void. But here, at home, by herself, she had nothing. Nothing to look forward to. Nothing to keep her going except some small modicum of hope for the next day. All she could do was throw herself into study. Read more, learn more. But she found little satisfaction in that. She wanted to be able to have friends. But she couldn't bring herself to. Triss Merril hated the person she has become.