I'm relatively new here and I've been looking for an RP that I want to take part in and I had a slightly odd idea that is sort of based off a short story I wrote recently (don't worry, there is no underlying plot that I will demand we adhere to). Basically the players are a group of serial killers who believe that they are "addicted to murder" and don't want to be serial killers anymore so they found each other through the internet and decided to form an AA-type support group. The characters will be living in a city/suburb somewhere and will be living in a group home that they all helped buy, possibly having weekly AA type meetings in the basement where they can speak openly without worrying about pesky, eavesdropping neighbours (who will believe that it is a group home for former drug addicts unless they see or hear something odd going on). If this RP did happen I would like it to be a mix of drama, silliness and the occasional relapse (if you know what I mean). I would like to warn everyone that I have virtually no experience being a GM so tips would be greatly appreciated.