I hope my CS is acceptable. [quote] [center][IMG]http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p570/riexserge/HenryCooper.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Henry Cooper [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Personality:[/b] Henry Cooper grew up as a conservative hence his mannerism, ideals and morals reflects this. He has deep routed Christian belief and stubborn when it comes religious debates. He prays daily, confess weekly and never missed a mass since his childhood. Asides from his scientific curiosity, religion is his life and follows it routinely. Cooper is able to hold his own in a fight but don’t expect him to win any world championships. People around him never considered him as a genius since his achievements comes from sheer diligence. He has unbelievable mental endurance enabling him to process countless information through great amounts of time. His co-workers describe him as cautious and analytical, preferring the true and tested path after a thorough examining it for any pitfalls or traps. But due to his soul volatility in the presence of failure, his conservatism turns into reclusive prejudice, his diligence into laziness, great mental endurance into unyielding exhaustion, caution into hesitation, and analytical skills into irrational presumptions. [b]Background:[/b] Henry Cooper was born in Australia but raised in Canada. He lived within a conservative French community all throughout his childhood and adapted their ideals and morals. As a kid he attended Sunday school and never missed a single day in mass nor does he now as an adult. Cooper spiritually connected with God when he was in middle school. During a science class, he noticed His intrinsic work in nature. Ever since then, he devoted his time in pursuit of God both in religious and scientific studies. Through sheer diligence, he earned a scholarship in High School, accelerated two levels and graduated with outstanding marks. He spared no time and attended college at the age of 16. Henry took up a double-major in Theology and Applied Physics. By the age of 22 he graduated. A para-military group sanctioned by the Vatican, the MINISTRY, immediately hired him as their Head Assistant Researcher, where he learned the true nature of the soul. The MINISTRY’s primary mandate is the search and retrieval of the Sword of Sin. The group’s origins can be traced back to the Inquisitions and most of the long standing officers have their bloodline linked to the era, making them highly sensitive to Soul Fluctuations and valuable assets to the team. Throughout the course of Henry’s 4 year employment, he has been in the vicinity of the Sword of Sin numerous times, witnessing and experiencing its effects which has made his soul volatile, often fluctuating between sin and virtue. These fluctuation is most prominent in the face of failure. [b]Soul(Virtue/Sin) Tendency:[/b] Volatile White (Industria/Acedia) [/quote]