Garret was running right behind Luca as the pair raced to the others. The race was friendly, intense, and fun however Garret was losing. Luca was always a better runner than has as she could always attest but lacked stamina and Garret would always win in the distance races. However she seemed to be keeping a steady lead as the two plowed through the forest towards their destination. As the pair reached their destination, Garret made an inward sigh as he resigned himself to dish duty but couldn't help but feel a little proud seeing her go. It was actually a little disappointing to see him win when she tripped herself up on the final stretch. Seeing as she gave a valiant effort, Garret decided to giver her a little help with the dishes. What could he say? He was a softy. As he panted in place from their race, Garret made a silent nod of greeting to the others as he regained his breath. Sitting down on his haunches, Garret took stock of everyone present. Heaven, Rhyle, Svan, Leo, and Mikhail. All present and accounted for except for Ivan and a new addition to the pack, it felt good for him to be surrounded by the closest thing to a family he had. No, they ARE his family and he would be damned than to insinuate otherwise. Giving a happy bark at Luca's antics as she jumped about in excitement, Garret was about to go and calm the young girl down when a newcomer made himself known. As Luca put herself behind him, Garret went full "mom mode" and put forth an aggressive stance. Heckles raised, ears forward, legs stiff, and a snarl plastered on his face. Garret was the very image of a protective parent. Giving a low growl, Garret put himself more firmly between the new guy and Luca before everyone else started making friendly. With Mikhail and Rhyle being friendly towards the new guy, Garret relaxed a bit but didn't the stance completely. While he trusted their judgment on these kind of things he didn't trust this guy, maybe given time he could but for now he would remain at arms length. Sensing some movement, Garret was expecting the entrance of Ivan and the newbie but was pleasantly surprised to see instead Walker breaking through the bushes. A little tense, Garret said "Howdy Walker, don't see ya very often wolfed out. Its good to see ya man."