[quote=Blackwell] Ughh it was super shitty of me to leave you hanging like that, Six. I'm very sorry :( I had some really stressful stuff go on this weekend with my dad. That piled onto moving back to school and issues with my loans and everything really didn't leave much room in my mind for anything else. Let me know how you wanna go about that collab (maybe move it forward in time a bit or something if you're still up for it.This apology goes out to all as well, for my absence. [/quote] Ooh, don't blame yourself! It's totally fine; I understand how things can come up out of the blue or things just somehow sneak up on ya. I'm definitely still up for it, but only if you have the time. I wouldn't want to take you away from anything too serious. But, yeah, real life issues come up, so there's no issue with me having to wait a bit. I was just worried about getting Roy too left behind or holding people up (though the timelines helps wonders for that case!). You take care of everything you need to and I'll still be here if you wanna collab afterwards. :) [quote=Prisk] @Blackwell, I'm so sorry to hear that, hon! But, try — — to be with us more, because we really miss you when you go away like that!There are two options: you can either just write as if Roy was in the battle and describe everything that he did (this will be like a flashback of sorts) or you can just ignore it all together, it's fine by me, but don't have him be knocked-out.I think it's safe to say that Oz and Adora are not coming back anytime soon, so you can control Thael and Freddy if you want. If nobody does that, I will remove the characters altogether.You can get Olivia dialog whenever you want, sweetie. Just send me a message with a link/ideas/whatever. [/quote] I think I'll try a collab with Black soon in regards to the fight prior, to get Kat and Roy in on it, but keep it moving in regards to the post you just made. As for Thael, I can take control of him, since I collabed with Oz the most. That is, until Oz comes back, if he does. I don't know Freddy enough (nor do I think I can do his justice) to control him, so I think I can leave that up to someone else, hopefully.