[quote=data549]Ah, Phil Fish. That is a name I haven't heard in a long time. From what I've read, his role in this mess just seems to be one big "LOOK AT ME, I'M IMPORTANT".[/quote] That's all Phil Fish does period. :P [quote=HeySeuss]Her basement dweller boyfriend needs to let go...or get a real doll, name it Zoe and work out the angst there. Something like that. What a putz. And oh Internet, you're putzes too for going along with one kiddult's thwarted relationship rage.edit: And before anyone accuses me thus, no I don't want to sleep with the woman. Never even knew who the hell she was until I did about a half hour's worth of background reading on the whole dust-up. Not my type. But yeah, it's rather fucked up to assume that someone defending her must want to stick it in.[/quote] No one's getting up in arms with her because she cheated. People are up in arms because she used the sexual relationships to get false ratings for her game. In other words, hurting the Game Industry's integrity. Then it got worse when Zoe Quinn and her supporters turned around and claim any and all criticisms were sexist... and then started falsely reporting copyright on disagreeing videos. And then lastly, they actually brought down a Charity because it was supported by people who called her out on her actions. Her ex-boyfriend never started this issue, he simply provided information/insight into the matter after she was always caught and being called out on her actions. [quote=Hellis]-A fair amount of ranting on feminism-[/quote] I assumed by now when I went ahead and said feminism people would realize I was referring to Third Wave feminism. But apparently this still needs to be clarified. So no, I'm not attacking your female friends who play games. I am not attacking the women who started the feminist movements. I am complaining about people such as Anita Sarkeesian & Rebecca Watson. And Anita actually has been jumping in siding with Zoe on this whole thing, so yes there has been feminism involvement here for the worst. That cannot be denied. Plus, the whole matters of "Let's not talk about Zoe being a rapist by her own terms! She's a girl!?", do you think that's coming from 4Chan, MRA, Gender Egalitarians? That's coming from the feminists. Also, I have not been complaining about feminism in all my posts. The vast majority of my posts have had nothing to do with the topic. Granted I debate on this site a lot, so a good amount of views get expressed often, but that doesn't mean it's filling up the majority of my activity. If you honestly do think the majority of my activity has been arguing against feminism I honestly can only suggest 1 of 2 things is happening. 1) You are mainly just going into threads/topics where the direct topic or a closely related topic is feminism. And if you constantly limiting yourself to feminist topics, no shit the majority of my posts that you're going to see is going to be talking about feminism. 2) Selective Reading, out of everything I say my views on Feminism is something you dislike (It might be the only thing you dislike, it may just be the thing you dislike the most). But regardless, it has become easier for you to remember times and cases I've spoken on feminism as opposed to other things, because the times I'm spoken on Feminism it has angered/annoyed you more. [quote=Brovo]You, me, and Hellis agreeing on something. Now all we need is some arbitrary fourth horseman and this apocalypse is all set to go.[/quote] I'd call myself the fourth, but when it's not on the topic of Religion I'm usually if not always agreeing with you and MDK. :/