Name: Alyson Parker Age: 22 Looks: [img] [/img] (It's the blonde in the middle) History: As far as Alyson could remember, her parents had never settled for the old fashioned 'house and jard' image. They were always crossing the galaxy for.. 'Something better'. That was how her father used to call it. But it was never better: old factories, abandoned hideouts, illegal housing, ect. You name it. At the age of 9, her parents both arrested for robbery and murder, leaving Alyson alone with the other 'bandits'. It wasn't all too strange for Alyson to keep doing what she was taught: stealing and hiding. At the age of 22, she had her own drug business ran together with a few of her closest friends. She herself got a slight addiction, but it wasn't getting out of hand, yet.