Collaboration between YoshiSkittlez and Ghost Shadow -- Bracing a hand against the wall, Regina reached behind her to zip up the small black dress that hug onto her skin so tightly, it was like a second skin. In all actuallity, the design of the zipper would have required someone else to have done it up for her, but with a closet full of dresses of the like, she had managed a way to do it on her own. Fluffing her hair in the mirror in her bedroom, she looked past her own face to see Henry finally rolling over, waking up. She smiled smartly to herself, and continued to splay her black hair out making sure the part to the side was perfect. "If you want any coffee before you leave I suggest you get up now." Regina said puckering up her lips in the mirror, double checking the crispness of the lipstick she had applied earlier. "I brought your clothes up from downstairs, just there." Regina pulled herself from the mirror and gestured lightly to the pile of neatly folded clothes on the end of the bed before she disappeared into the bathroom to apply any last-minute touch-ups to her makeup. Henry's tired eyes slowly opened, his vision blurred as he adjusted to the morning light. It took him a few moments to realize where he was. [i]'Wait, why am I still here?'[/i] He thought to himself, trying to recall the memories of the night before. [i]'Did we...? Wait, am I naked?'[/i] He mentally asked himself, lifting up the comforter slightly to see himself fully. [i]'Welp, I've done it now.'[/i] He thought, exasperated before slowly rolling towards the edge of the bed. Rubbing his eyes, he stood up completely, his now fully-adjusted eyes just catching Regina as she walked into the bathroom. Wordless, he got himself dressed quickly; not forgetting his glasses in the process. "Coffee sounds good, thanks," He said quickly, if not slightly uncomfortably as he hastily went down the stairs to the first floor, running both his hands through his hair while whispering, "Oh no, no, no, no, no" to himself. Regina met with Henry just a few moments later downstairs, clipping on her earings as she walked into her kitchen and filled up two coffee mugs, one for herself and the other for her guest and brought it over to him. She brought the coffee to her lips, her eyes looking over Henry's shoulder at the digital clock on the stove and tilted her head slightly, looking back at Henry. "You're going to be late." Regina said seemingly out of the blue. Henry came out of his reverie just moments before Regina joined him downstairs. He accepted the coffee with a small nod, taking a small drink. He turned to look at her as she spoke, taking off his glasses (for some reason) in the process. "Sorry...late?" He asked, obviously confused. "For school." Regina said raising her eyebrows, wondering why this wasn't obvious to him. "You have a job to do Henry, a responsibility. It wouldn't look good if you were late on your first official day as their teacher." "So...I've got the job," he began, though phrased it as more of a statement than a question. "That's fantastic." He said, a wide grin forming. "Absolutely fanTAStic!" He repeated, looking sincerely excited. Regina shrugged her shoulders, not sharing his enthusiasm as she quietly sipped at her coffee again. "Well you said it last night, who else around here is qualified enough?" The word 'enough' hadn't even a pause once it left Regina's lips as suddenly the lights in the entire mansion began to flicker and a loud, rumbling roar resonated from all sides. Regina suddenly lurched, the ground beneath her feet becoming unstable as what would appear to be an earthquake split through not just Regina's home; but all of Storybrooke. Henry's eyes widened in a split moment and he instantly sought cover, diving underneath the dining table to wait out the ordeal. Attempting to walk through the shaking, Regina made it over to a large glass window that looked out on the streets of Storybrooke, watching as telephone poles began to split and powerlines began to snap, of course causing the power in her home to go out completely. The glass in which she was standing in front of shattered, not enough to send the pieces flying but enough to startle Regina to take a few steps away from the window. And then, it was done. The entire ordeal hadn't lasted longer than ten seconds, and Regina tentatively walked back to the now broken window to watch as citizens of Storybrooke began to walk outside to survey the damage of what had just happened. Henry slowly crawled out from the table, surveying the surroundings as he stood back up on his feet; dusting off his coat. "Well...looks like school's canceled for today." He said dryly, putting his glasses back on. "Have you any idea where that came from?" He asked, turning to look at Regina. "No." Regina answered instantly and with heavy bitterness. She hadn't even looked at Henry, only outside of the window, watching people starting to gather and talk amongst themselves about the commotion. If she had turned to look at him, however, he would have seen her eyes filled with fear, not of the damage that Storybrooke had taken, but the reasoning behind [i]why[/i] it had happened. Surely it was coincidence. Giving Henry a job here in Storybrooke was hardly anything that would cause such a drastic chain of events to start unfolding. But then she realized, the chain of events had already been in motion. The Clock Tower, it had started working the very day that Henry first arrived in Storybrooke. She didn't want to believe Mr. Gold's unspoken words, that Henry would be the one to break the curse. And yet... Regina quickly set her coffee mug down on the counter, feeling like if she drank anymore she would vomit. Without saying (or even looking) at Henry, Regina hurried to the front door and left the mansion to see what the people of Storybrooke were talking about. Henry could barely say another word until Regina seemed to rush out the door. " again, I suppose." He said to himself with a quick shrug before quickly following her out the door towards the mass of people that had started to form, overlapping each other with random questions and frightened or angry statements. It was going to be a long day. Regina did her best to try to quiet the startled crowds. Other than a few telephone poles and power lines, the city seemed to be safe, nothing that a few days of work couldn't help fix (most importantly, in Regina's opinion, her kitchen window). She had managed to convince most of the people to start working and stop talking when Leroy, the town drunk, ran into the thrall of things shouting that the old mines had collapsed down the way. Of course this only sent the people that Regina had just calmed down into a wide panic, and Regina could do nothing to stop the crowd from following Leroy to the mines. The knot in Regina's stomach only tightened more, keeping her from being able to breathe for a few moments. Just [i]how[/i] much of the mines had collapsed? Feeling her hands starting to shake, and no jacket pockets to shove them into, she took a deep breath and followed the crowd to the area. Henry had remained silent during the entire ordeal, but hadn't moved from Regina's side until the entire group began towards the now-collapsed mines. "Oh yeah, town explodes, let's go to the source; brilliant." He said in an exasperated tone, hands in his coat pockets as he began to follow.