[b]Few hours ago In the dark alleys of Shinto district, Fuyuki City[/b] An unusual man with white hair walks down in the abandoned alleyways of Fuyuki City. [i]"Damn, my stupid luck..."[/i] The man is staggering in his steps, leaving a thin trail of blood behind. [i]"That crazy bitch... I kill her."[/i] Wesson curses. After accidentally summoning Lancer and loaded his brain full of unnecessary information such as this Grail War thing, Wesson Smith decided to hit the clubs and relax. He met a girl there. Nice body, sweet personality, everything passed. Wesson made his move and the two had a great time. After leaving the bar Wesson escorted her home. The girl kept talking about "true everlasting love" and started to get really clingy. She invited him to her home. Wesson found it all weird. Yesterday his horoscope even warned him telling: "Don't stick your thing in crazy." But since his PURE EYES can tell the true intentions of people and the girl looked completely harmless he nodded okay. ...[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ3Xs86Io00]How wrong he was![/url] As soon as Wesson dropped his guard he got stabbed 17 times. Seventeen! How did that crazy bitch even manage to pull it off!? Apparently, his PURE EYES were ineffective on crazy bitches. Surged with new vigor of his survival instincts Wesson pushed the bitch away and took it for the run. Thus he ended up in a dark alleyway, bleeding profusely. This is the end of Wesson Smith. After losing more than 3 liters of blood, Wesson collapsed on the cold asphalt, dying without anyone out to help him. Yet he wasn't without any witnesses. A large black dog watched him from the shadows, her cold blue eyes dimly glowing in the darkness.