Svan watched the others carefully, taking in each reaction to her brother. He was not one for respectful approaches generally, especially when it came to her. Mikhail was right, her brother had shown up at a very risky time but he was a good fighter and if he intended to stay and it came to that he would be beneficial to have around. She looked at her brother and spoke directly to him, blocking out the rest of the wolves present, '[i]You are not the cause of this mayhem following us are you?[/i]' She flicked her ear towards the sounds in the bushes and as walker appeared she was a bit startled. He tended to stay away from their little group though he tagged along. He was like that odd cousin that lived far away that came in only on holidays to prove they still existed. She wished he wouldn't beat himself up over being a wolf. There was nothing that would stop it or cure the virus. It only made things worse to deny the wolf inside you. Being at odds with your wolf was not a good thing. Developing a peaceful harmony was the goal generally. '[i]Walker, it is good to see you joining us. Wolves aren't meant to hunt alone.[/i] That was about as encouraging as Svan got. She wasn't much on chatter or even nagging people. She was very reserved and polite for the most part. ------ Niall watched the others, particularly the one the most defensive males. Clearly no one had taught the females to protect themselves and that they were a hot commodity. In Europe males were dragging their daughters away from their mothers, changing them and then using them as bargaining chips in politics. He hadn't seen any of it on this continent yet but he was sure that it would come and when it did they would have to be fiercely guarded if they wanted to keep their freedom. That was one of the last things their father had done. He had changed Svan the moment he knew for sure it could be done and she would survive. She still bore the scars in her human form, a set of four scars two on either side of her shoulder where it meets her neck. He would never forget the horrible first time she had changed. Svan had been the most blood thirsty creature he had ever seen. He figured now that it was from all the years her wolf had been locked inside her without being able to even communicate with her, tell her it wanted and needed to be let out. She had been nearly impossible to catch and hold down until she was calm enough to have some sense about her for what she was doing. If Svan was intelligent her wolf was a genius as far as evasion and stalking were concerned. One moment you could be stalking her and the next you would be laying on the ground. When Mikhail spoke to him he understood immediately the situation, rumors of his sister were not the only rumors he had heard. '[i]I may be more wild than most but I am not without restraint. Your problem is a rogue, not a nomad from Europe. I don't intend to stay unless my sister wishes that I do so, I will however join you in your hunt tonight. Lead the way.[/i]' He did not answer his sister, his answer to Mikhail would serve well enough for her too. He had nothing to hide.