Rachel looked around the table, completely silent. [i]Umm, maybe it's because I'm a human? Or maybe I just picked a particularly tight knit group?[/i] She thought to herself before the winged man finally broke the silence. He bowed his head, and gestured to a nearby table saying they were moving over to it. "Ah okay." She nodded and followed the group to the other table. Rachel took a seat near the end of the table, right across from the one with the medical bandage over one of his eyes. She couldn't help but look over to the winged student as he discussed flying with another student. Though, she didn't quite see the wings on the other student. [i]I'll bet that's pretty awesome, having the ability to take off whenever you want...[/i] She was pulled from her musings once again by the winged student who proceeded to introduce himself as Humhum. "Oh, thanks! I think I'm doing alright." She smiled to him as she shook his hand. "Um, right yeah, guess I forgot to introduce myself." She scratched her head, she had completely spaced introductions. Looking out to the rest of the table, "My name's Rachel Yuzuri!", she proclaimed just loud enough to be heard by everyone at the table.