Katiel walked slowly, silently, across the old stone pavement. He was being careful now, not to be seen: his wings were away, and as such the light of his eyes and the tiny tongues of fire that occasionally lapped at his feet were suppressed, making him appear as any other early twenty-something young man- though his white hair occasionally drew some funny looks, most simply dismissed it in a second as being a quirk of youth. He made sure that his footsteps were silent, so as not to alert Kari to his presence. Guardianship was always a difficult and tiring duty. It was far simpler to just watch from heaven, or walk as a spirit upon the earth. But when direct intervention was on the table, they could not waste time. It was made worse by his innate ineptitude at any form of real deception. He could wear the outfit and walk like a man, but if asked a question nothing in his nature would permit him to lie. It made things difficult. Often, he had simply taken to replying "I do not want to say that" or some variation of it when asked about himself. This rarely made him any friends within law enforcement. This time it was a little different, however. He could sense an ill motive in Kari... She could, if let alone, make a dire mistake. He didn't know quite what- such insights were rare and vague, given only for specific needs. But he had to do something. Eventually he decided that he had little way of contacting her organically, so he steeled his resolve and simply walked into her, bumping her with his shoulder. "Oh! I hope that didn't hurt you!" He smiled at her. "Hey, it's late... What are you doing out here? The parks aren't always safe in this neighbourhood."