The pirate didn't get far when water started going all over the place. It seemed his new friend wasn't about to deal with the marines the same way he was. He watched the soldiers get washed out of the alley, and then laughed, turning to keep going. He was just in time to watch another wave slip around him and prevent him from going anywhere, though. That cut short his mirth, and the captain turned back to the woman who was the cause of all this. He was quite suddenly grabbed by a massive, watery hand, and yanked back to Ceres, who immediately grabbed and shook his right hand. She threatened to drown him, and he laughed in her face some more. "I like you, Ceres. I thought I wouldn't, but I like you." he admitted, grinning stupidly. "But deal or not, the plan is the same. And since they know where we are now, we need to get moving. Try not to drown our next hiding spot, okay?" Octavius didn't have time to waste hopping from one hiding place to the next like this. It was a good way to get caught. So he waited patiently for his partner to deal with her watery issues, wondering if she was going to take the lead. If not, she needed to stop complaining about how he seemed to run off on her, and focus more on keeping up. Piracy was a game of quick thinking, and she wouldn't last long if her goal became too fixed. And she really wouldn't last long if she couldn't keep up. Or at least not as long as he would. Every pirate wanted [i]all[/i] of the gold, but dead and rich didn't go together, so some if it was often better than none. In this case, she might have to settle for a boat, rather than a ship. Then again, what she wanted sounded like a boat, so he wasn't too worried about her being picky. And if it turned out that she was, well, he hadn't agreed to let her do that. He had only agreed to get her a vessel of the appropriate size. Speaking of picky. Captain Cuttlam wondered exactly how particular she was about escaping. He figured it would be easy enough now, to transform and wander off. It might be a bit more convincing if she transformed too, though. And since he was wet enough as it was, it wouldn't make much difference if the wetness was from real water, or magical person-water. He figured it was worth a shot, and in an instant, he went from dashing pirate to shaggy attack dog, Where his clothes and bag went would remain a mystery, but one for later. Ceres needed to deal with her water walls, and hopefully she'd get the same idea he had. If not, a quick roll in the mud would throw off any doubters, and then the pirate lord would head off toward his goal. He'd get his new friend a sailing vessel, of course, but if she wasn't around to claim it, he couldn't help her with that...