As Humhum, Elliot, and the new girl sat down at the table, Kiba looked around. He realized that quite a few people had entered the area and he no longer had a clear exit route. He suddenly regretted ever leaving his dorm today. He did an excellent job of keeping the worry off his face, and managed to maintain his usual bored expression. Though inside he was anything but bored. He had mixed feelings as Orion got up with his empty cup. That meant one less person to worry about, at least for the moment, but it also meant the only person who he knew wouldn't drag him into the conversation. Kiba really wished this day would end quickly. Classes were so much better than socializing. Kiba was so lost in his thoughts that he almost missed the new girl introducing herself. Rachel was it? He stored the name and face in his memory for later. He knew it would be polite to introduce himself, but he didn't. Nothing against the people at the table, Kiba just didn't like to talk much. He'd answer questions if he was asked one, he wouldn't just ignore people. But it would usually be a very short answer, as short as he could get it. He finished the last of his smoothie, setting the cup down on the table in front of him. Absentmindedly he messed with the ends of his hair, feeling a mix of relief and panic as Orion returned to the table and filled Kiba's escape route.