Name: Flynn "Fly" Taggart Age: 31 Looks: [img=] History: Having been orphaned on Earth as a child Flynn relied on his agility and luck to survive. In his teens he unwittingly stowed away on a marine transport ship. Having no way off he was "volunteered" into the space marines, where he flourished as a skilled tactician until his honorable discharge at the age of 30. Now, he tries to make a living as a bounty hunter. Personality: Flynn is very quiet and reserved, his face rarely showing emotion. Which makes his goofy sense of humor very off-putting. He has a weakness for combat and alcohol. He will drink to anything and fight for anything. Overall Flynn is a decent guy and always tries to do the right thing. Equipment: Flynn usually wears wears the marine standard issue flack jacket, jeans and combat boots. At his side is a Desert Eagle replica blaster. On his flack jacket he keeps a pair of handcuffs. Ship: A small double cabin ship. With emphasis on speed and maneuverability. I added a little more info. Hope it's not too much.