Haven had felt her message to Walker go unreceived, but she didn’t mind. It was hard for her to get down as she always saw the brighter side of life and was too naïve to know any different. She introduced herself to both newbies as they approached, giving a happy bark to Niall and then again to Natalia. She was happy to have them. More friends so who wouldn’t be happy? She still had a silly tongue hanging grin on her face when Walker approached, making their group complete and quite large. [i] Come on Grampa, hunting time [/i] she teased once more, prancing happily as if there were no tension at all around any of the wolves near her. [i] One two three ready set go![/i] she sent out to all of them, darting out as she saw movement nearby. It was just a butterfly though, but that didn’t stop Haven from trying to nip at it in the air.