[center]Storybrooke: Chapter 1 The Curse Day 1 Character Summary[/center] [center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Welcome-to-Storybrooke.jpg][/center] [hider=Robert Leland] Robert, the town Sheriff, had a pretty typical day aside from the small reports of a new guy in town. He sent Regina a detailed report of the day and offered to follow the newcomer around to find out a bit of more information. While he waited, he went to Granny's to get himself a drink and something to munch on. He soon got an urgent phonecall from Regina, telling him to meet her at her office as soon as he possibly could. When he arrived, he found Regina's usually neat and tidy office to be a complete mess, and Regina told Robert that someone had broken into her office and stole an envelope holding ten-thousand dollars of the Storybrooke's tax money. Without giving any reason as to how or why, she accused Henry Carlyle and made Robert go check Henry's car where she was sure that the envelope of money would be, even being specific enough to say the backseat passenger side. Robert didn't ask why Regina knew this, however, and went on his way to find Henry and the stolen envelope of money. He found Henry's car parked outside of Granny's and took a quick peek inside. Just as Regina said, the envelope was there. Robert then went into Granny's Bed and Breakfast to approach Henry (who he didn't realize wasn't there) so that Henry would open up the car for him, just to be sure it was the ten-thousand dollars Regina had claimed was stolen. There was no answer at Henry's door though, he was not there. And by the time that Robert went back out onto the streets, the envelope in Henry's car was gone. He spotted a woman walking away from the area, and persued her. He caught up to her quickly and began to ask questions, mostly about her involvement with Henry since Regina was so sure he had something to do with it. The mysterious woman wasn't letting up on any information, and Robert had to go by what evidence he had and was forced to arrest her and took her to the holding cells at his office where she would stay the night until Regina knew what to do with her. He hurried over to Regina's to inform her of what had happened, and Regina looked less than pleased. Robert then took it upon himself to offer that he check out Henry some more, possibly tail his car or search his room for anything suspicious and Regina agreed. She told Robert that he would be free to search Henry's room when Henry came over for dinner, leaving his room empty. Robert was then told that whatever it took to find information about Henry needed to be done, and also to look out for a snowglobe that had gone missing from her office. The two said goodnight, and Robert was on his way.[/hider] [hider=Knox Kowalski] Knox found himself at Granny's Diner first thing in the morning, ordering his usual cheesy fries and dark coffee. Ruby, of course was his waitress and although she didn't work the morning shift all too often, he still knew who she was. He was slightly taken aback, however, when Ruby opted to stay and talk with him. He explained that today was his day off, which somehow turned into a conversation of meeting Ruby later at a bar for a couple of drinks. There was a change in the wind, however, when a stranger entered Granny's Diner, and he watched as Ruby went to go and help him. He remained completely silent as he watched Ruby start to (probably without her even noticing) flirt with the stranger, and then invite him to The Rabbit Hole later with her and Knox. He made it to The Rabbit Hole later that night, noticing Ruby over flirting with Henry but he was distracted almost immediately when the strange woman that no one seemed to know anything about her approached him and asked to join him. He declined of course, but the woman joined him anyway and threw taunts at him, all of which Knox couldn't have cared any less about. It was then that Ruby seemed to notice that he was there as she stormed up to the table angrily, and attempted to get the woman to leave. She did, but only to move on to flirt with Henry, the new town stranger. Knox, clearly irritated pulled out a twenty and slipped it into the mysterious woman's clevage and left without a word. He almost instantly heard Ruby calling out for him behind him, and eased to a stop. She flew into a mouthful of apologies, but Knox wasn't interested, and attempted to have her return to the bar so that she might finish flirting with Henry. Ruby refused, and threatened that she wasn't about to leave him until she learned at least five things about him and saw him smile. He finally agreed, and the two headed to Granny's to carry on their night. They were nearly there before Ruby stopped and asked him if he could hear something. Of course he didn't hear anything unusual, and suggested that it might be raccoons. But Ruby was stubborn, and she seemed to be lost in her own little world as she tried to listen to the quiet sounds of the night until she suddenly exclaimed that Mr. Gold was in trouble and hurried off in the opposite direction of Granny's. With a sigh and so very sure that Ruby had been drinking too much, he followed quietly until he suddenly saw Mr. Gold leaning heavily against the wall and hurried over to help the older man. He helped the older man up (despite Mr. Gold's threats, wanting to do things on his own) and it was quickly decided that they would take Mr. Gold to the hospital, as whatever it was that ailed Mr. Gold at that moment didn't seem to be getting any better. They arrived at the hospital shortly after and once Dr. Stevenson took over, he and Ruby were excused. Really just wanting the obscurity of the night to end, Knox mentioned staying at the hospital to put in a few extra hours, but offered to walk Ruby out at least.[/hider] [hider=Dr. Faye Stevenson] Faye woke up in an enclosed room in her home, trapping her other self from escaping and causing trouble in Storybrooke. She quickly got ready and went to work. She was the head doctor in Storybrooke Hospital, and so everyone went to her upon her arrival to make sure that they were doing their job correctly. It wasn't a surprise either that Regina showed up at exactly 4:00 pm to check on one of her patients, a Jane Doe who had been in a coma for as long as she could remember. Regina, being her emergency contact, of course asked for any signs of improvement, if anyone had yet to claim her but nothing had changed since the last time Regina had come to visit exactly a week ago. Busy at the hospital, Faye eventually got a page from the receptionist downstairs and she hurried to find out what the important message was. She found a man she had never seen around town before wanting to speak with her. It came about that his name was Henry and he wanted to help volunteer at the hospital, starting by reading to the coma patient known only as Jane Doe. When they arrived in the hospital room holding the coma patient, Faye noticed the drop in Henry's face almost immediately when he looked at Jane Doe, and had to ask if he knew her. Henry was slow with his reply but assured her that she did not know. Faye decided to stick around and watch then as Henry sat down next to the patient and read from the story book that he had brought, slightly amused to hear the story of Alice in Wonderland. Faye soon found herself as her counterpart once again, the mysterious woman looking for a drink and found herself in The Rabbit Hole where she kept to herself, ignoring the looks and whispers she got and ordered a drink. She made eye contact with Henry, but Ruby seemed to be trying to keep him away from her. So the mysterious woman approached Knox and asked to join him. He declined, of course, but the woman took the opportunity to toy with him a bit, calling out his attractiveness in a threatening tone as if something bad might happen to him. Ruby then made her way over to the table and coldly asked for her to leave, claiming that both Henry and Knox were with her tonight. Remaining civil, the woman left Knox without whispering a bitter comment to Ruby about being jealous and then approached Henry, though Knox was quick to follow her and put a twenty-dollar bill between her breasts and walked out of the bar without a word. Clearly offended, the woman removed the money and gave it to Ruby, indicating that it was really meant for her. Ruby snatched the money from her and then ran to follow Knox. Now alone with Henry, the woman had a chance to talk to him, get to know a little about him. However before their conversation got too far, pains in her chest and a impeding headache took over and she politely excused herself. She made it as far as the park before realizing that Henry had been following her, and though not annoyed with him, promised to see him around sometime soon. She then returned home and let her other part come back through, Dr. Faye Stevenson. A short while later, Faye got an urgent phone call from Dr. Whale, requesting her help at the hospital again. Once things seemed to die down, Ruby and Knox walked into the hospital, assisting Mr. Gold who seemed to be needing some sort of care. Knox tried telling her it was a panic attack, but Faye knew there had to be something more to it. After a small bit of arguing, Faye got Mr. Gold to agree to allowing a few tests to be done, and when the results came back, Faye was in disbelief. Lung cancer. Mr. Gold had lung cancer! She gently broke the news to him, but her jaw dropped when he calmly told her that he already knew. A fight ensued, Faye urging Mr. Gold to let her treat him before things got worse, but Mr. Gold stubbornly declined. Faye blatently called him a coward, and at the drop of a pin Mr. Gold was on her, swinging his cane down on her face so hard that there was no way it wouldn't leave any bruising after the bleeding had stopped. He made a quick threat, for her to keep silent and to not bother him with it again, and then left the hospital on his own accord. God she needed a drink. Later that night, the mysterious woman made her way around town once more, spotting a rather strange envelope in Henry's car. When Henry showed up to retire for the night, the woman told Henry that he had been set up, and showed him the envelope of money. The woman already knew who would have done this to Henry, the only woman in Storybrooke that felt threatened by anything 'new.' Regina. The mysterious woman offered to take the heat for the envelope, and when Henry asked why she simply reponded 'why not?' and then went on to explain that it would be fun to see the shock on the Mayor's face when there was someone else in jail. Henry promised that he would help her get out of jail and thanked her for her kindness before they departed ways for the night. As she figured, the Sheriff quickly caught up with her and he began to drill her with questions, wanting to know of her relation to Henry but the woman wasn't saying much, only that she stole the ten-thousand dollars. The Sheriff had no choice but to arrest her and put her in the holding cells at the office where she spent the night.[/hider] [hider=Mr. Gold] A flashback is revealed in Mr. Gold's dream (however it is a memory). It tells us what happened between Rumpelstiltskin and Belle, why Rumpelstiltskin had cast her away from being his caretaker. It happened a few weeks before Regina cast the curse, it was a time where Rumpelstiltskin and Belle had time to just talk, having already grown familiar with one another from Belle being there for quite some time. Rumpelstiltskin told Belle of his daughter, Baelfire, and how he had lost her. By gaining Belle's trust, Rumpelstiltskin allowed Belle to go into town on her own...a test to see if she would come back. She did. When he asked her why, Belle leaned in and kissed him, having been told that True Loves Kiss can break any curse, and indeed the curse of The Dark One began to melt away. Terrified of losing his power, Rumpelstiltskin pushed Belle away, and cast her from The Dark Castle where he was left alone to cry out in his anger for his own cowardice. But it was better this way, Belle just got in the way from his true intentions anyway. When Mr. Gold woke from the dream, he couldn't remember what he had dreampt about, only knowing that it was hightly upsetting, and he was drawn to drinking in the early hours of the morning. Finally satesfied with a dull buzz in his brain, he went to work early to open up his shop. He was just about to open shop when a car caught his attention, and a stranger stepped out of it, asking if he was in Storybrooke. Mr. Gold was not at all unfamilair with the idea that no one ever visited Storybrooke, however he seemed unsurprised and walked with the man who he learned was named Henry to Granny's Bed and Breakfast where Henry could stay in during his stay in Storybrooke. As Henry got his room, Mr. Gold took the rent money from Granny, and bid them farewell. Once he stepped outside, the minute hand on the seemingly forever broken clock-tower moved. Changes were coming to Storybrooke, and Mr. Gold smiled. A short while later, Mr. Gold found Henry popping into his shop as he busied himself by dusting the books that had been stacked on the counter. Making quick conversation with Henry, Gold then noticed the key around Henry's neck. Witha knowing smirk, Gold asked for Henry to hand it over and, as luck would have it, Mr. Gold had the very book that the key belonged to. He immediately caught the desperation in Henry's face, and offered to give him the book if he helped him out with a small problem he was having, asking for Henry to fill in for the subsitute teacher at the elementary school and Henry jumped at the opportunity. Mr. Gold then noticed that something else caught Henry's eye, an old story book on fairytales. Henry asked to take a look at it, and Mr. Gold agreed if he promised to use the book to read to a coma patient, since the hospital had been running low on voulenteers. Again, Henry agreed. Yet another visitor rang the little bell in his shop, this time Mayor Mills entered and she approached Mr. Gold with purpose, demanding to know what he knew about Herny Carlyle. Mr. Gold told her the truth, of course, telling Regina his involvement with helping steer him to Granny's which, expectantly, pissed Regina off and left. Mr. Gold closed up shop earlier that day than normal, not quite feeling well. His leg was giving him more trouble than it normally did, and he kept getting shooting pains in his back and chest. When he arrived home, he began to drink again and puffed quietly on an expensive brand of cigarettes. His attention was brought to a chipped teacup that had been on display in the center of the living room, and in his anger broke the glass he had been drinking from with his hand. Annoyed, he realized that he shouldn't have come home so early and left his home once more to get in a walk so that he could quiet his mind and gather his thoughts as to why he was really there in Storybrooke, and what needed to still be done. It was then revealed in a flashback that Milah, his wife, was not a happily married woman. She always seemed to be gone from the home while Rumpelstiltskin was at work, spinning for the market and oftentimes leaving four-year-old Baelfire at home to fend for herself. One day, upon discovering that Milah had left Baelfire home alone again, he went out to look for her, and found her drinking in a pub with a group of pirates. Both Milah and the pirates jabbed jokes at Rumpelstiltskin, but all he tried to do was to get her to come home. It wasn't until Baelfire followed her papa into the bar and called out for her mother that Milah finally seemed to get a good head on her shoulders and the three of them returned home together. With Baelfire asleep, Milah and Rumpelstiltskin begin to talk about their marriage, Milah explicitely stating that she is no longer happy and she wished that Rumpelstiltskin had died in the Ogre's War rather than come home branded as a coward. Rumpelstiltskin pleaded for Milah to try to make things work between them, for Baelfire, and Milah begrudgingly agreed. Baelfire had gotten up during the night and asked for Rumpelstiltskin to sing her to sleep, and we hear quite a lovely tune that Rumpelstiltskin had made up specifically for his Baelfire and sung her to sleep. Not a week later, Rumpelstiltskin got an urgent knock on his door. A neighborly woman had spotted MIlah and Baelfire getting aboard a pirate ship at the docks and she urged Rumpelstiltskin to go and get them back. Thinking that the pirates had taken his wife and child, Rumpelstiltskin hurried to the docks to reclaim his family. When he got there, however, the pirate captain was less than charitable and proposed that they duel for the woman and child. Rumpelstiltskin knew at once that he would lose, and more than that, lose his life if he tried to duel the pirate, so he begged and pleaded instead. The pirate just sneered and ignored Rumpelstiltskin, calling him a coward in his wake and Rumpelstiltskin was left feeling completely useless, unable to get his wife and child back from the band. As he pondered this during his walk, an incredible amount of pain shot through Mr. Gold, making parts of his body grow numb and the other parts shutting down on him. The cane was dropped and he was left grasping at the walls to keep him upright, but the pain eventually brought him down. He knew what this was, a price to be paid for the curse that he had inflicted upon himself of becoming The Dark One. In the Enchanted Forest, the curse was physical, altering his appearance; here, it attacked him from the inside. Things were looking very grim for Mr. Gold, and he cried out into the night apologizing to Baelfire, over and over until he lost his voice to his sobs. He was quickly aided by Knox and Ruby, who he knew were trying to help but the pride in him forced him to push them away, although neither of them were going anywhere. He tried his best to regain his composure, but the coughing fits only seemed to be getting worse and worse and so he eventually agreed to let them walk him to the hospital, although he knew that it would do him no good there. Once there, he quickly dismissed Ruby and Knox, leaving him alone with Dr. Stevenson whom he had no intention of letting her check him out to ensure his health was okay. She was persistant though, and got him to take a few tests. When the results came back, Dr. Stevenson told her that he had lung cancer. He knew this of course, not lung cancer specifically but something that was killing him slowly from the inside. This is the first time we think that Mr. Gold might not have been affected by the curse. He told her that he knew, and refused treatment. Dr. Stevens pleaded with him to get help, eventually calling him a coward for refusing treatment. At the word coward, Mr. Gold lost his temper and swung his cane around on Dr. Stevenson, cutting her forehead and leaving quite the nasty mark. He threatened Dr. Stevenson then, stating that if she ever bothered him with this again, things would not be pretty. And with that, he left the hospital on his own accord and began his walk home, checking his shop on the way as he got an alert on his phone that the security alarm had been triggered. Sure enough, someone [i]had[/i] broken into Mr. Gold's shop, but the thief was long gone and his shop was so extensive that he was going to have a bit of trouble finding what was taken. Despite it being the middle of the night, there was a knock on the shop's locked front door, and Mr. Gold went to let Regina in. She explained to Mr. Gold that she knew what had been taken and who had taken it, since she had a specific reporter who just happned to be walking by and managed to take a picture. She made a deal with Gold, offering to exchange the information if he answered one of her questions, and Mr. Gold agreed. Regina asked Gold what his name was, and Mr. Gold played dumb, not knowing what she was talking about until she drove her point, bringing it out of him that he knew exactly who he was, and that his memories were all clear and still there and that he, was still Rumpelstiltskin. Reading the look of terror on her face, Mr. Gold assured Regina that he wouldn't be killing her for what she did to Belle, not yet anyway and Regina showed Mr. Gold the pictures of Henry leaving his shop with a snowglobe. It was Gold's turn to feel panic as he realized the object that had been stolen. Regina asked what it was (obviously it had to have been more than a snowglobe) but all Gold let out was that Storybrooke was in trouble.[/hider] [hider=Mayor Regina Mills] Regina woke up in a new land, a strange land with no magic in a strange room that she had never been in before, however the effect of the curse made the room...familiar. She had done it, she had inflicted the curse that would imprison everyone from The Enchanted Forest, and she would finally have her Happily Ever After. And so it began, until five years later things started to change. Five years had passed, and as she usually did, Regina went to Storyrbooke Hospital to check up on Snow White, who was known only as Jane Doe here since the sleeping curse from The Enchanted Forest transferred over to Storybrooke, putting Snow in a coma that Regina was sure she would never wake from. She only came to check in on Snow because the paranoia got the best of her, and she had to ensure that no one had tried to claim her, recognize her, or visit her. Dr. Stevenson cleansed these worries every week, and today was no different. Satesfied, Regina left the hospital to go on about with her day. She went to Mr. Gold's shop almost immediately, demanding answers as to his involvement of the arrival of Henry Carlyle. He, of course, gave little-to-no information, only telling Regina that he showed Henry where he could stay at Granny's. Irritated, Regina left. She showed up later, finally finding Henry as he came back from The Rabbit Hole and heading into Granny's Bed and Breakfast. He didn't seem to see her, and so she spoke up, catching his attention. She casually introduced herself, and then began to drill Henry with questions, determind to find out who he was, where he came from and why he was here. He was a newcomer, and that meant bad business for the curse. The curse was supposed to keep everyone away, unable to enter or leave Storybrooke, and yet here he was. Henry answered her questions simply, annoying Regina even more but she changed her motive and instead offered him to come over to her house for dinner the following day, to give him a proper welcome to Storybrooke. Henry eagerly accepted and Regina went to leave, realizing suddenly that the clock tower had begun working again. Terror replaced her anger, and she left in a hurry. She tried the remainder of the day tracking down Mr. Gold, of course now having questions beyond belief about the nature of the curse. If anyone could help her, he could, but she had to know something first. She stationed her reporter, Sidney Glass, otuside of Gold's shop and to have him alert her when he returned. She just didn't expect it to be during the dead of night. Sidney also had photos of a break-in from Mr. Gold's shop, which was the reason that he came back during the night. Regina used this against Mr. Gold (since he didn't know who broke in or what was stolen) and got it out of Mr. Gold that he knew his true name, and that the curse had not affected him. Terror ripped through Regina, remembering their last encounter in The Enchanted Forest when she had ripped Belle's heart out in front of him and crushed it. He assured her that he wouldn't kill her, not until after the curse was broken, and then Regina showed Gold the pictures of Henry stealing a snowglobe from his shop. Regina didn't understand the significance of the snowglobe and had to ask why it was so important, however all Mr. Gold told her was that Storybrooke was in danger. Regina, outraged (but more paranoid than anything) that Henry was starting to change things, she put her initial plan into motion and called Robert, telling him to meet her at her office. Regina then took it upon herself to make her office look as if someone had broken in, and by the time Robert arrived it looked like a big mess. Regina then told Robert that someone broke into her office and stole an envelope that held ten-thousand dollars of Storybrooke's tax money, and told Robert to go and find the envelope in the backseat of Henry's car. Regina knew that it would be there, because she had planted the envelope there herself when she and Henry had been talking, the very reason why she didn't shake his hand at first. Robert left, and Regina returned home awaiting to hear the wonderful knews that Henry Carlyle had been arrested. However, it wasn't the case. When Robert came to Regina's house, he had informed Regina that he had found someone else with the envelope of money. A strange woman with no ID, name, or anything relating to being in the system. Of course Regina knew who he was talking about, she had seen this mysterious around town before, but she had to wonder if someway, somehow she was working with Henry. She asked Robert to search Henry's room at Granny's the next day when Henry came over to her place for dinner, leaving his room completely unprotected if he were truly hiding something. Also, thinking of what Mr. Gold said about the snowglobe, she instructed Robert to keep an eye out for that as well. She did not welcome Robert into her home for the night like she had initially thought she would have, too irritated now to welcome his company, and so the two said goodnight.[/hider] [hider=Henry Carlyle] Henry arrived in Storybrooke in the very early hours of the morning, stopping first in front of Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop since he saw the man himself opening the door off of the street. He recognized Mr. Gold to be Rumpelstiltskin immediately, but due to the curse, Henry was unable to tell if Mr. Gold knew who [i]he[/i] was, and so he went on business as normal. Mr. Gold then walked with him to Granny's Bed and Breakfast upon learning that Henry was a visitor, and needed a place to stay. Henry was greeted by hearing an argument coming down the stairs, seeing a woman scantily dressed being followed by an older woman dressed in...well, old people clothing. Once the scantily clad woman left, Henry got the older woman's attention by ringing the bell, and politely asked for a room. Surprised, the scantily clad woman came back and helped Henry to find his room, but not before Mr. Gold took money from the older woman, collecting the rent. It was then that he learned the names of these people, Ruby and Granny, and between them he also learned that not only did Mr. Gold own Granny's Bed and Breakfast, but the entire town as well. Henry, in the privacy of his new room, pulled out the map that Rumpelstiltskin had given him in The Enchanted Forest before the curse hit and read over the careful instructions left to him by the imp that would finalize the deal they had made. The instructions were simple. Find Rumpelstiltskin, restore the memores and break the curse. Well he had found Rumpelstiltskin, rather 'Mr. Gold' here, and now Henry had the complication on whether or not to try to break this curse. It seemed that each time he tried to avoid wanting to fulfill his end of the deal, something bad happened, pushing Henry to fulfill it anyway. It is then revealed that Henry had been sent to Wonderland when Rumpelstiltskin sent him away from Regina's dungeon. He was immediately captured by The Queen of Hearts, but for some unknown reason, she showed Henry mercy, relaying some unknown, important information to Henry, and allowed him to escape so that he could go to Storybrooke. Clouded with thoughts of his past, Henry decided it was time to get out of his bedroom and familarize himself with the strange, cursed town. He first found himself at Granny's Diner finding himself hungry, and to his surprise he found Ruby working as a waitress. She got him his order of eggs and a coke. To further his surprise, Ruby then invited him to go out with herself and Knox to The Rabbit Hole for a few drinks, and he found himself accepting. Later, Henry made his way to Mr. Gold's Pawnshop to 'look around a bit' finding Mr. Gold dusting of a number of books. The two made light conversation until Mr. Gold noticed the key around Henry's neck and asked to take a look at it. Hesitating, Henry handed the key over and was utterly surprised to find Mr. Gold handling his little sister's diary, the very book that the key belonged to. Feeling his heart hammering in his chest, he knew he had to have that diary, and was only too willing to take up Mr. Gold's deal of helping out at the elementary school as a subsitute teacher for the book. Something else then caught Henry's eye, a story book full of fairytales. Thumbing through it, Henry realized that it wasn't JUST a book, but history of the events that had happened back in The Enchanted Forest. Agreeing to volunteer at the hospital, Henry was then given the book and before he could give up anything that actually mattered to Henry, he left Gold's shop to continue his exploration. He headed immediatly to the hospital where he was told by Mr. Gold to seek out Dr. Faye Stevenson. To his utter shock, the doctor turned out to be Heather Jekyll from The Enchanted Forest, but here, unknowning of her own history with him, she looked right through him as anyone would look through a person they had never met before. The two made light conversation, Henry offered to volunteer at the hospital, now with a new motive to stay close to Faye and he was then taken to the coma patient Mr. Gold had told her about. As if the surprises would ever stop. It wasn't Jane Doe in the bed, but Snow White, caught in the sleeping curse that now translated as some sort of coma. His cover was almost blown when Faye seemed to see the slight indication of recognition in his face, but Henry played it off saying that he had never seen her before. He pushed past his feelings through, and began to read 'Alice in Wonderland' to her, hoping that someway, somehow it would bring Snow back to him. Henry later returned to his home to open up the story book that turned out to be history for everyone's past lives. He spent most of the rest of the day reading up on it, making connections to the characters he knew from the book to the people here in Storybrooke. Once he realized the time, Henry put reading his sister's diary to the side and went out to the Rabbit Hole to meet up with Red...uh...Ruby. He found her already there, hussling a couple of guys while playing pool. After collecting her winnings, he went to her to make himself known. And thats when a strange, strange woman walked into the bar, a woman that seemed to catch everyone's attention, and not in a good way. Ruby gave Henry a quiet warning about the woman, about how no one knew her, about how weird it was. Ruby then seemed to follow the woman's movements as she made her way over to a table with a man sitting at it, and Ruby's eyes seemed to ignite. She stormed to the table and coldly asked for the woman to leave who had been making a point to flirt with the man at the table. The woman left the table and in a turn of events went to him to make an introduction, though she gave no name. Before he had time to answer though, Knox got up from the table and slipped a twenty-dollar bill into the woman's clevage and without a word walked out. He then watched as the woman gave the money instead to Ruby, who took it and ran out of the building to find Knox. Henry suddenly found himself alone with the very woman Ruby had warned him about, but she seemed nice enough, just a little rough around the edges. The two made very light conversation before Henry noticed that the woman seemed to become fidgety. As if to confirm his question, she called it a night and hurridly left. Curious, Henry couldn't help but to follow. The woman caught on straight-away and offered to meet up with him at a later time. He returned to Granny's Bed and Breakfast to turn into the night, however he was intercepted by Regina, the Mayor of the city and she was less than welcoming. She drilled him with questions, aiming to find his intention here in Storybrooke, but Henry played it cool and came up with a reasonable enough lie that Regina couldn't find any holes in. Suddenly dropping the implication that she wanted him gone, Regina asked for Henry to come by her place for dinner the next day, to give him a proper welcome to Storybrooke, and Henry accepted. Regina then left with a huff as she suddenly realized that the clock tower had begun to work again, but Henry made no comment and went back to his bedroom for the night. He had a diary to read that belonged to his dear departed sister that he had recently found courtesy of Mr. Gold. When he opened it, however, the book was empty. No doubt because the book was written it with some sort of magic ink, and magic didn't cross over easily to this world. Overcome with rage towards Mr. Gold (he just knew it was his fault somehow) Henry left the room in a hurry to get back at the Pawnbroker, knowing about a particular snowglobe that could cause the man quite a bit of trouble. Henry reached Mr. Gold's Pawnshop, relieved to see it closed and that the man was nowhere in sight. WIthout thinking too much about it, he broke into the backdoor and rummaged through the shop until he found the snowglobe he was looking for. He took the snowglobe and ran, as fast and as far as his legs would carry him, deep into the forest until he couldn't breathe. In his blind anger, she shattered the snowglobe on the ground, awaiting for the Ice Queen to reveal herself and offer to help him, but as Henry stood there a good ten minutes, staring at the shards of glass, nothing happened. With a dejected sigh, Henry had no other choice now than to return home. When he got back to Granny's Bed and Breakfast, he noticed the mysterious woman poking around looking at his car. The woman then told Henry that he was being framed, and pointed out the envelope of money in his car. The woman removed the envelope, and they found the money inside. There was only one woman in Storybrooke that would have any want to frame him to get him out of here; Regina, The Evil Queen. Henry was surprised when the mysterious woman offered to take the heat for the planted money, sheerly just to piss Regina off when she realized that her plan to frame Henry didn't work. Henry expressed his gratitude, and promised to help the woman out of jail the next day. The two quickly parted ways and Henry was finally able to rest for the night.[/hider] [hider=Ruby] Ruby and Granny were having a fight. Despite the early hours of the morning, Ruby walked down the stairs into the Bed and Breakfast room with Granny hot on her heels. Ruby expressed her wishes of wanting to move to Boston, and Granny bullshittingly apologized for her heart attack ruining her plans. Neither of them were aware of the stranger at the desk until the stranger rang the bell and asked for a room. Surprise overcame Ruby, causing her to calm down, and Granny and Ruby helped Henry to one of their best rooms in the Bed and Breakfast. As Granny made handed over the rent money to Mr. Gold, Ruby and Granny quickly explained to Henry who Mr. Gold was, and that he owned not only the building, but the entire town. Ruby ended up working the morning shift at Granny's Diner that day, and found Knox; a regular. She knew exactly what he wanted, and got him his cheesy fries and dark coffee. Taking a stab at something she was never brave to do before, she asked Knox out for a couple drinks at The Rabbit Hole with her later that night. He seemed hesitant at first, but the shy ones always here, but he eventually agreed. Henry entered the Diner right then, and Ruby hurried off to help him. She got him his order of eggs and coke and made light conversation, asking how he liked the town so far and so on. An idea then hit her and before she even knew what she was saying, she invited Henry to come with her and Knox to the Rabbit Hole for some drinks, and Henry graciously accepted. She was at The Rabbit Hole a short time later, killing time by playing pool and hussling a few guys that were too distracted looking at her than playing the game to their full potential. After she won, she was approached by Henry, and the two shared a very flirty conversation. And that's when Ruby frowned. The woman that no one seemed to know anything about from Storybrooke entered the bar, and Ruby felt inclined to warn Henry about her. The mysterious woman made a point to cross the floor and introduce herself to Knox, which Ruby had just realized was there at the bar as well. Angry, Ruby approached the woman and coldly asked her to leave after seeing her flirt with Knox. The mysterious woman remained polite and pushed past Henry to introduce herself. Knox got up from the table, looking rather annoyed and put a rolled up twenty-dollar bill in the woman's clevage, silently calling her a hooker and then moved to leave the bar. The woman took the money and handed it to Ruby, silently indicating that it was intended for her instead. Ruby could do little else right then than to take the money belonging to Knox and follow him out. She couldn't let the evening with him end like this, she would feel guilty about it forever. She eventually caught up to him and flew into apologies of everything that had happened at the bar, but Knox didn't seem interested, and attempted to point her back in the direction of Henry. Ruby was determined though, she still didn't feel right about it and refused to leave his side, threatening that she would never leave until she learned five interesting things about him and saw a genuine smile on his lips. He eventually agreed, and Ruby walked with him to go back to Granny's where they could spend the rest of their evening together in a quieter scene. They were nearly to Granny's when Ruby stopped suddenly, hearing a noise that she had never quite heard before. She stopped to listen, realizing quickly that Knox could not hear what she was hearing but she listened on, then coming to the horrible realization that someone was in trouble; Mr. Gold. Pushing her hatred for the man aside, Ruby hurried down the complex route until she found Mr. Gold in an alley, seeming to just be holding onto life by a thread. She called over to Knox and Knox helped Mr. Gold to his feet. The older man seemed dazed and confused and Ruby had the intuition to call Robert Leland, the town sheriff but Mr. Gold startled Ruby by snatching his cane away from her, causing her to drop her phone in surprise. Their options were quickly discussed and it was decided (more between her and Knox than Mr. Gold) that they would walk him to the hospital. They reached it rather quickly, and as soon as Dr. Stevenson was alerted to the situation, she came down to take things from there. No longer needing to stay, Knox walked Ruby out of the hospital, offering to stay and put in a few extra hours of work since he was already there. Tired, but not wanting her night to end just like that, Ruby headed back to The Rabbit Hole in hopes for one last effort of having a good night. The bartender there, Jake Frostburn who she only really knew the name of, could sense that Ruby was having a bit of a rough night and offered his charming personality to help cheer her up. It worked, and so did his charm because not minutes after that, Ruby had Jake in the storage room closet where she would end her night on a much, much happier note.[/hider]