Ceres let go after a few moments of thinking. They couldn't waste too much time there, and she needed something to get off of this island. Stealing large things wasn't exactly her area of expertise, so she had to rely on Octavius for that part of the plan. The rest was easy for her. Most soldiers didn't pose a threat, and it was easy to hide as water to hide from the stronger or smarter ones. "Fine, so we get moving. But [i]tell me[/i] when you decide to suddenly change your plan of escape! Just a simple "this way!" would do!" She stretched her arm out to the wall of water that had blocked Octavius' escape, and it fell down to the ground, flooding the area around it a little. As she did so the man changed in what Ceres guessed was his fully transformed form. A huge dog of some kind. She raised a brow, wondering what he was up to this time. But then she saw the dripping wet fur - something this form had plenty of - and got the idea. "Ugh...I'm going to smell like dog for days, aren't I..." She muttered to herself, quickly turning into water again and 'jumping' on top of, and then into, the beasts fur. The second water wall still remained in tact. And it was too turbulent to see or pass through. So Ceres would only let it fall down once they were out of the alley again. Just in case there were any onlookers at the other side.