[img]http://www.bhmpics.com/walls/nice_dark_planet-normal.jpg [/img] Alyson had settled onto the planet Aeros, located at the outer rim of their current milky way. It was one of the few planets too dangerous to reach with regular spaceships, and very well hidden behind smaller other planets. If you didn't have the acces code, your scanner woulnd't even pick Aeros up if you had happened to pass by it. Her hideout is a bunker made out of the finest steel with a coating of pure diamond. It wasn't that expensive, as many of the materials were stolen anyway. The diamond was impossible to penetrate with ordinary equipment. If you happend to find the entrance, which was located in the basement of an old skyscraper, you'd have to descent a ladder for about 20 meters. There, with the right passcode, you could enter Alyson's workplace and/or living area. You can think about the movie 'TRON' when you try to imagine how her place looks like. ^_^ [img]http://hypebeast.com/image/2011/04/tron-designs-corian-0.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.studiomarcopiva.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Exhibitions_TronDesignsCorian_Salone11_Milano_photo_Leo-Torr.jpg[/img]