Yelgir's eyes shot open, and combat information downloaded into his memory. The entire transfer took only a few moments, so by the time he was standing, the entire battle battle plan was laid out in his head, with the best known enemy positions clearly marked. Since the small android wasn't much good for close-quarters fighting, his role in this mission was to fly support in Thor, cause a distraction, then join the other two to gain entry and provide technical support. Yelgir climbed into his jumpsuit, and hurried to the loading dock, where they were all to meet. Thor was already starting up, the faintest emissions from the reactor causing heat waves to shimmer above Bay #7. Flight deck techs were running pre-launch checks on Thor, Zephyr, and some of the other LACs. (Light Attack Craft) As he sealed his helmet, all sound from the outside was immediately muted; all Yelgir could hear was his own breathing, and communications static. [i]Where are the other two?[/i]