Katiel stood for a moment, deciding what to do. Clearly, she wanted nothing to do with him, and he was sure that pressing the issue too forcefully would harm his cause more than help it. He sighed slightly, resolving to follow her from a distance and make sure that she got home safe. There was a small comfort to him, as the dire feeling he had been getting dissipated. Clearly whatever bad decision she was going to make, she has now chosen not to. He did his best to tail her as silently as possible, ducking from tree to tree as they navigated through the park, always with an ear out for the small rustles which might betray the presence of an enemy. He would just have to deal with it, if an imp did decide to make its presence known. Horrible little things, made of scrabbling claws and quick, gnashing jaws... he wished desperately that he could have taken his blade with him, or better yet one of the archangelic Judgements, but carrying that sort of thing would draw too much attention. If he was attacked, he would have to exorcise his foes in a far more traditional way. Katiel followed Kari along her path, being careful not to be seen. He stepped on a cat at one point, causing the animal to hiss and slash at him ineffectually, but he was pretty sure that he managed to duck into the shadows again without being seen. The streets were cold, now, dead. Barely anyone around. This was not the situation he wanted to be in, skulking and largely defenceless. Demons liked the dark... Katiel was more of a morning person. Eventually, he managed to follow Kari to her destination.