The boy trotted alongside the redhead with his head held high, taking in all the sights, sounds and the people as they crossed through the girls' dorm and to the boys'. He'd even snagged a wink or two at some especially cute ones which had him grinning the entire way there. "Okay, uh-huh, understood. Yeah, the building's pretty sweet. As for the older students, I think everyone might just be starting to show up, or be late, or you might be right. And the classes should be just fine, nothing to worry about. But these election things? I'm a fourth year. I could, hypothetically, run for president or vice if I wanted. Sweet. And everyone else has a year-rep. So you were a first year last year, means you're a second year now, huh?" He smirked here and it caught on to a laugh somehow. "Hell, from what I know, you call your upperclassmen "senpai" in Japan, right. Would be cute if you'd call me that, hothead. Anywho, yeah, here.'s? Goodness, such a strange country. Thank you, though! No more questions, apart from the obligatory, 'can I get your name and phone-number'." He laughed a heartier laugh as he tightened his hand on his suitcase, bowed his head a little to the girl and made his way to his room with little more than a wave and a "Thanks!". Finding the dorm-door open, someone had unlocked it already. All students were given their keys, so someone must be in here already. [i]Awesome. Roommate.[/i] "Hey!" the boy chirped as he walked through the door and shut it behind him, before he noticed the only other person in the room was asleep before he'd even known it. Everything on the right side of the room was organised and unpacked and he sighed, loathing the fact that he had to sit down and go through the same ritual as the others, but it was to be done. The boy worked around his side of the room, setting up some posters, packing clothes into wardrobes and trinkets and bits and pieces into drawers and whatnot before he wiped some sweat from his brow and looked over at his roommate. They had the sheets pulled up over them. They'd have been exhausted. Finishing up by chucking the last of his suitcases into a wardrobe too he plopped himself on his bed with a novel in his hands, pulling out a bookmark and folding out the page he'd stopped at. "Hey...uh. You asleep, man?" [i]Stupid question. If he is, I'll never get an answer, haha. Doesn't hurt to try, though.[/i]