Howdy! I quite literally just joined the site, so idk how great it'll look to post here right away, but I really enjoyed your dA gallery so I figured it'd be worth it. [b]Michael, the Stereotypical Mad Scientist[/b] [b]Character Description[/b] As his name suggests, Michael is a scientist. And he might be a little mad. And he's quite stereotypical. Going with this trend, Michael's hair is a bright shade of green, and bounces everywhere in unpredictable spikes. For the most part, it is kept out of his eyes with his white, steampunk-esque goggles, though he has some bangs, parted in the center, that jut out into his face. Often mistaken for being about 13 or 14, sometimes even as a woman, Michael has a very small frame and stands at roughly 5'5". He manages to hide this some with his over-sized, perfectly ironed labcoat that he is rarely seen without. Under the labcoat, he wears crisp, white button-down shirts with a green tie, and tight black jeans. (To keep up with the younger crowd, yeah?) As for foot-wear, Michael will usually be sporting black, steel toed boots that enable him to go out into the forest for his science-y reasons. [b]Character Personality:[/b] Like his labcoat, Michael has very rarely been spotted doing anything but scowling. Even when engrossed in his work that he so dearly loves, his mouth is always pulled into a tight frown, and his eyebrows furrowed. Though his voice is surprisingly low, his tone and whatever he might have to say often goes with his appearance of about being 13 or 14. Put simply, he is immature, rude, and has little care toward any social protocol. [b]Character Pose/Situation:[/b] Though any pose would work, I think having Michael just standing with his arms crossed over his chest and looking pissed off would be funny. [b]Any Text/Editing You Want:[/b] N/A [b]URL for Picture Background (optional):[/b] N/A Thanks! If the request isn't up your ally, that's okay. Let me know if you have any questions or if I left any important details out.