[u][i]Gabe, Jake, & Jaska Valos.[/i][/u] And now fucking Godzilla in a suit and tie wants to be their friend. This school is going to be [i]fun[/i]! Henry's odor was distinct, clearly reptilian. It immediately caught the young Jaska's attention among the myriad of odors. He was put on alarm, since his instincts told him that Henry was bad news. He retracted, and tensed his body up, ready for an attack. The second the raw, fresh, fish was presented before him, his other impulses overridden his hostile instincts. He smiled, and grabbed onto each end of the fish. Ungraciously bit into the fish, tearing off piece after piece of it with his razor sharp teeth. Eating it less like a human would, and more like a savage beast. He paused in gorging himself on the fish, looking up at Henry. He needed to be cordial, that's what Mommy told him to do, after all. "Thanks, Henry!" He loudly says, obviously thankful, "I'm [i]Jaska[/i]." He appreciated the free meal that wasn't the greasy watered down crap that they're serving here. So that won Henry plenty of points in the young boy's eyes. Both Gabe and Jake were thankful were thankful that Henry got Jaska food. That was a more preferable than him wandering the forest alone. The man was a massive lizard-man, larger than both of them put together. They knew of the existence of such Meta-humans with immense bestial traits, but they never seen such... mutations, up close. It was almost intimidating. But, the suit made him look goofy. Instead of fear or anything else, Jake and Gabe chuckled. This guy could be a badass war beast, but instead, he's wearing a suit like in some cartoon. The way he spoke didn't help either. The twins had a brief exchange in Portuguese. [i]"É uma iguana porra de fato! Esta escola é cheia de surpresas!"[/i] Gabe started off, saying to Jake, deadpan. [i]"Ser cuidadoso Gabe, Godzilla zangas e tentar comer-nos!"[/i] Jake responded, equally sarcastic. [i]"Ele deve ter cuidado. Meu[/i] 'bafo atômico' [i]wil arruinar seu terno."[/i] Gabe finished the exotic language exchange. And again, there's two more people looking at them. [i]Take a picture you motherfuckers, it'll last longer than you will. [/i]Gabe thought to herself as she returned the looks at Vespera. A creepy looking motherfucker, gothic, but dressily pretty sluttily. She smirked to herself, honestly the girl wants to look like a vamp, when in reality, she looks like someone trying too hard to look edgy. This put Vespera at the bottom of Gabe's priority list. The person that had to be at the top had to be the street rat a few tables down. There was another girl, one with red hair, had to be young. At least a few years younger than the twins, but older way than Jaska. She looked like a goofy barbie doll that they released to offend the Irish. Hmph. Nothing special in Gabe's book. They stopped looking at their various observers, and focused at the scene at hand. Jake nodded at Dragonfly, and spoke to him very formally, "Thank you for that, Henry." Jake tipped his hat at Dragonfly. "I didn't mind the speech actually, I saw a long and stupid speech coming from miles away." He smiled, "The Academy so far... I actually look forward to it. A brand new experience, with brand new people. The way I see it." [i]Though, some of the people here and making me wish I threw up something for privacy so they'd stopped staring...[/i] "Meh," Gabe started off, "'Cademy is great n' all, but I rather be back home." She leaned back into her chair, playing with her jacket, "Being forced to come here does that..." Gabe finished off her statements with a roll of her eyes. "I would enjoy it better if some of the fuc- people would stop staring at us like we some freaks." Gabe nodded towards Vespera, Poppy, and Cordelia. [i]Heh, everyone here's a freak.[/i] Jake playfully rolled his eyes with a smile. Sometimes Gabe could be so painfully narrow minded. "Are you forgetting about something? We're [i]fabulous![/i] Everyone can't help [i]but[/i] look." He made Gabe laugh a little, and bump him in the arm with her fist. Then there was Red. They had forgotten about the young trust fund kid! How rude. The kid sat down at their table and started some casual conversation. His little speech made Jake roll his eyes with a smile. It was a little cute how he wants to 'solve his puzzle'. [i]A real talker, eh?[/i] They were better off answering his question than indulge in his rambling. "We...? Umm... That's a tough one." Though, it wasn't [i]that[/i] better off. If Jake told the real reason they're here; he would piss Gabe off for sharing personal information, [i]and[/i] he would guilt Jaska about his problem at the same time. So he had no choice but to talk out of his ass. "Umm... We wanted to try this place. Everything about this place seemed like fun. I wanted to see new things, meet new people." He smirked at Red and Henry. "And I can say I'm not disappointed." Unfortunately, their conversation was interrupted by a new party. [u][i]Amanda, Nikki, Jake, Gabe, & Jaska.[/i][/u] The sound of jingling jewelry had announced her presence long before she approached them. "Step aside, wannabe Godzilla." She said to Henry as she side-stepped him, "Ladies, ladies, ladies!" Amanda loudly announced her presence to the table as she walked up, hips swaying, and threw her arms in the air in a grandiose manner. "I saw that you newbs were all having a conversation and decided to spice it up a little bit." Amanda turned around and planted her behind, and both hands, on the edge of the table. She saw the plate of chicken that has been brushed aside by Jaska, and said, "You want this?" They all nodded, and Amanda just took a piece of chicken and took a large bite of it, putting it back down immediately. She had to introduce them, "I am [i]Amanda [b]D.[/b] Blackmore[/i] and this is my favorite person, [i]Nikki Biyung[/i]." Nikki herself felt embarrassed for participating in Amanda's extremely [i]rude[/i] interruption of their conversation. Her face went red. She had inadvertently activated her power, flies in the room flew towards her started buzzing around her. Some of her flying insects started crawling out from out from under her clothes. It took Nikki a moment to realize, before calling them off. She awkwardly waved, "[i]... Hi.[/i]" The Valos weren't as receptive to Amanda as Henry, or Red, they looked blatantly uncomfortable. But, no matter how uncomfortable she is, Gabe will always be eternally snarky. [i]"Oh, estou surpreso que você não está suando, Jakey."[/i] Gabe teased Jake in a foreign language, [i]"Os asiáticos, seu favorito!"[/i] "Oh shut up!" Jake retorted. The jingling of Amanda's excessive jewelry annoyed Jaska. So did the buzzing and chirping of Nikki's insects - Weren't girls afraid of bugs? Well, Jaska hated them. They were disgusting, and far lower on the food chain than him. A downside to having such acute hearing was that he heard [i]everything[/i]... [i]Everything![/i] But he thought the girls that approached were good looking. "Oh, hiii, pretty lady." He was told to always complement women. It's something they like after all. Amanda used her power to create a tiny needle from her jewelry. She used the needle to pick her teeth. When Jaska complemented her, she chuckled. "Oh how cute," Amanda stopped for a moment, smiling, looking at the eight year old, "He's already a little gentleman." She looked between Nikki, Jake then Dragonfly. "So, Nikki here is a newbie, like I [i]guessed[/i] some of you are, and really, really shy. So, I figured that I'd introduce her to some people...." She had a mouth wide open grin, "... So introduce yourselves."