[quote=So Boerd]And I was right in Trayvon Martin's case.[/quote] Your method of reaching a conclusion is just as if not more important than the actual conclusion. It's the difference between say me getting an A in my exam because I simply did multiple choice as a christmas tree, or getting an A because I knew and understood the content. [quote=So Boerd]I sided with Wilson because of Occam's razor, that being the simplest solution tends to be correct.[/quote] That's not how life works, that's just what people tend to say cause they'd rather not have to think too hard about it. The correct solution tends to be the one with the most proof and evidence supporting it. [quote=So Boerd]Difficult to believe elements of Wilson's story: ~Unarmed kid assaults armed officer. Which isn't that difficult to believe. Difficult to believe elements of the "Wilson=murder" side: ~Racist cop leaves witness. ~Racist cop kills in broad daylight ~Cop can't shoot for anything, when he is uninjured and can take as much time to aim as he wants, or get closer. ~Kid who just commits robbery and is walking down the street doesn't get off the street when told to by a cop for no reason, rather than he fears impending arrest. ~Al Sharpton is correct on anything.[/quote] Ok, it's not actually a matter of "Simple = Correct" like you're saying, but rather there's some sort of reasoning and evidence going on leading you to your conclusion. That's good. I'm dismissing the last point as a Sarcastic Joke however. As already highlighted by ASTA though, no one has enough evidence to accurately determine what's happened yet. So since at this point we're all shooting in the dark, I'm not going to be all critical and start tearing individual points or ideas apart.