[Hider= James Drolan] Name- James Drolan Age- 36 Gender- male Weapons- M6G Personal Defense Weapon System, BR85HB SR battle rifle, combat knife, M45E tactical shotgun. Specialty- squad leader and close combat expert. Other gear- 2 med-kits and 1 can of bio foam. HF radio. Personality- James does not like to get close to those he is leading since he knows that at some point they may end up dead. He is a calm person at all times but never let's his anger show when pushed to far. Appearance- Out of armor [img=http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/archive/1/1e/20100922013311!Kira_Destiny.png] In armor [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130722193635/halo/images/archive/5/50/20131013082100!H4_Ricochet_Armor.png] [/hider]