I understand. :) [quote=Kira Chan] If you want another person...Quote:" YOU (Yes you) need to stop being adorable." ~TumblrName: Princess KenziAge:14Species: AngelRole and Kingdom: Princess, Kingdom of GabrielAbilities: She can heal with a tochof her wing and she also can hurt you with it but she chooses when she can do it.Small biography: She was born into the royal family and has lived in Gabriel her whole life, she likes to spend her days reading or just staring off into space. She loves castle life but she absoultly love the villagers too. Mostly she stays inside to do research on how to become a better healer. Also she loves to ride horses and loves her pet bunny Kimoko Picture: [/quote] When you are writing a character for this roleplay, please read everyone's bios in the kingdom you wish to join so you can add the character perception on the past events. Sorry for my absence! I have been really busy with real-life situations so I apologize for not being timely. I do check in to it every once in a while, but I don't have a lot of time to really get into a post sometimes. Thank you all for understanding :)