Can’t think of anything at the moment. I suppose it doesn’t really matter what started it since our characters probably wouldn’t know either. :p Anyway here’s my character sheet so far. Can’t decide on a look so I’ll finish it tomorrow. Appearance: Name: Joel Age: Any skill in particular?: Weapon (melee and a long range weapon): A screwdriver and a machete. What you have in your backpack: A wool blanket(gray), a plastic tarp(blue), pocket knife, needle nose pliers, a canteen, copper wire, a cook pot, etc. Bio: Joel was a electrician before the fall of mankind. He owned his own business and was fairly successful, making enough money to buy land outside the city. He tried to raise crops on that land when crap hit the fan. He wasn’t successful. With no running water, ravenous deer and weeds that grew faster than he could pull them he barely made it through his first year. After a lot of thought he decided he would go to the city to search for food and other people. It didn’t take him long to find the latter. Other: Me vs. nature.