23. Having been left to her own devices in front of the cylinder of clouds, Summer decided to inspect the woman further before doing as she had been instructed. The woman was wearing a dress very similar to Summer's own teal one, though the sleeves on the woman's dress were caught in the bend of her elbows. The woman's hands were gripped together in front of her chest and upon closer inspection, she noticed a wedding ring on her finger, which confused her. She was under the impression that the Sages never got the opportunity for love, they were sealed up in these tombs shortly after their victory... or were they? Finally, Summer looked up and stared at the woman's violet eyes, so like her own, but also so different. As Summer stared at her eyes, she nearly jumped in surprise as they slowly closed, a small smile forming on the encased woman's face. This alone was enough for Summer to finally reach towards the cylinder, her hand coming into contact with... a cloud? Summer found herself standing on a cloud, but... [i]How is this possible? I was in the courtyard not too long ago, how am here... and there?[/b] Summer looked around and nearly froze when she came face to face with the very woman who had been in the cylinder. [i][b]"Hello my dear, I am Havā... and your Great-Grandmother."[/b][/i] the woman, Havā, said with a soft smile on her face. [i][b]"My... my what? But... but how? I mean... what is... how is this? I don't understand, how am I here?"[/b][/i] [i][b]"I have allowed your mind to meld with mine for a time, there is much I wish I could both tell and show you, but our time together is short... and I am sure that Earth Elf will want to speak with you shortly. First, I want to apologize... I am sorry that I could not be there for you when you had no one, but this is where I was needed until it was time for you to come to me. Your experiences were also necessary, though cruel, in order to ensure you were... on the right path. Though you have been beaten and abused in more ways than anyone should ever have to be, you have remained kind and gentle. You stepped up to a Lord and requested to save a living animal, you have given Ostel the benefit of doubt when he came to save you from certain death. You chose to trust a Human male even though it was, in fact, a human that took your virtue and scared you, not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. You have a pure heart Summer, don't let anyone tell you different, or change you. I am proud of you Summer, so proud, and I am sure your parents would be as well. Stay strong young one, and please, be you, never settle for less than you deserve... and remember, your power is tied to your emotions. You will need to learn to control them, but that shouldn't mean that you are unfeeling. Never stop being compassionate, and never EVER hate, not even the Dark Lord. Hate will twist you and your powers, turn them dark and that is just not a way to win."[/b][/i] Summer looked down at her feet before looking up at Havā, [i][b]"So... all those things that happened to me... were supposed to happen? I was... I was supposed to be... taken advantage of?"[/b][/i] Havā let out a soft sigh and put a gentle hand on Summer's shoulder, it was warm, [i][b]"I do not have to pretend to like it Summer, and neither do you. No one should have to go through something like that, ever. But, you are all the stronger for it... you can empathize better than anyone here, and you... you are going to be a great friend to many people here. Don't be scared, and remember, always speak your mind."[/i][/b] Summer nodded her head and before she could say anything else, her eyes opened and she found herself in the courtyard. [b]"But I... thank you..."[/b] she murmured softly as she looked at Havā within the Cylinder, her eyes now closed [b]"I want to be strong, just like you... but I also want... to be my own person."[/b] Summer closed her eyes and let out a small sigh, trying to suppress the nerves and the fear as she held out her hand before her. [center]~~~~~Aravan~~~~~[/center] Once the other's left him, Aravan found himself wishing he wasn't there at all, he didn't like the idea of having any relation to a man like Dunkelheit. He had no need of friends nor did he wish to be anywhere with these people, that was why he had tried to sneak away in the first place. If that Elf girl hadn't stopped him he knew he would have managed to get away, now? Now he had no idea what was to happen and he had no intention of touching anything that was near him. He hated the fact that he had been forced into this, and he felt that he just had to find a way out. [b][i]Why is it that you are not doing as you were instructed?[/b][/i] a deep voice resonated in Aravan's mind, [b][i]One of the six, refusing to listen? Has the world really become so desperate that it is calling on worthless demons now?[/i][/b] Aravan was startled, but said nothing in return to the voice, he saw no reason too. He thought that, maybe if he ignored it, he would be able to go about his own day. Maybe if he got rejected he could just... go home? [b][i]You want to go home? No... you will never go home, you who have decided to ignore a world in need... you who have decided to ignore his destiny... there will never be a home for you. There is never a home for those who refuse to accept their fate.[/b][/i] Aravan was confused by this statement, but he had no time to dwell on this confusion because soon, soon he found himself engulfed in black fire. He felt a scream try to work its way from his throat, but no sound came out as his skin melted from his body and his bones turned to ash as everyone watched. [b][i]Let it be known to everyone, this is what happens to those who ignore their destiny.[/b][/i] Dunkelheit's voice resonated through everyone's mind, his voice dark with anger, [b][i]BRING ME THE REAL SAGE![/b][/i]