Soojerna, coming to the door moments after the penin's knocking, opened it and smiled, her children at her heels. I'on smiled down at them a bit despite his irritation and tired state. Then he spoke, [B]"Did Draven arrive?"[/B] the woman shook her head, frowning, [I]"I'm afraid he didn't. Perhaps his lost his way?"[/I] I'on sighed and shook his head slightly. Perhaps they'd connect another day, but it was somewhat unlikely as he felt he might be leaving Zerul for quite awhile soon. A mixture of wanderlust and curiosity with the world outside of this comfortable city. It of course didn't help that it was becoming crowded with all the refugees. Regardless, he felt the need to depart sooner than later. As if to draw him away, I'on felt a sudden eruption, of sorts, of magical energy somewhere else in the city. His face became something of a deadpan as he looked away from the human woman again and off into the streets. Glancing back at her, I'on spoke, "Well, thank you for looking after the shop in my absence." Soojerna nodded happily, "I'm obviously back now so no need, though I may call on you again soon. We shall see. For now, I bid you a good day," from there the penin shuffled off with the woman looking after him. She thought he looked awful tired and thus wondered why he wasn't heading home for a well deserved rest. With this in mind she called out to him, "Make sure to get some sleep soon, I'on, you look exhausted," she was right, he was. However, it seemed the world had other priorities than his sleep, and he felt inclined to investigate them...unfortunately. Perhaps he was too curious sometimes, or too worried about the well being of others. Then again, maybe he wasn't worried [I]enough[/I]. Shrugging, he continued on, his pace slowing gradually as he neared the location of dense magical energy, which was still fading somewhat even when he'd arrive. He wasn't sure what he'd do when he got there, but he'd figure it out later. One thing at a time, he decided. First figure out what was going on, then react...after he got there. Yeah, that was the plan. Simple, but effective...hopefully. He really wasn't sure at this point. He could feel his exhaustion beginning to cloud his judgement. I was annoying, so a scowl found itself forming on his face. Today had been one troublesome event after another, and he was growing somewhat tired of it. Perhaps he needed a drink more than he needed some rest, his sleep-deprived mind surmised. Yes, that sounded nice, quite pleasant actually. It might take the edge off of all those walking around, relax his nerves somewhat. Then again, it might just impair his judgement more. Who know, not him. He was too tired to really consider the possibilities in depth, something that would usually be quite easy for him. Oh well, for now just trudge on and hope his bed lay at the end of this little adventure, if you could call it that. Yes, hopefully that's what lay at the end. A comfortable bed in his peaceful home. That would be a pleasant way to end his day. Pleasant indeed. So he increased his pace back to the one he'd started at. If he hurried he could get there faster, and get whatever it was dealt with quicker, or at least that's what he thought. Only time could tell.