“This was so worth coming to.” Saru whispered under his breath gleefully. The comment was to no one in particular, but after watching the last match between Kita and Captain Masumata, he felt the exclamation was necessary. The outcome of the match was not one to be expected, but it goes to show, hakuda is all about small openings and fast reactions. A contest where anyone with skill, accompanied by a little luck, can conquer, and conquer was what Saru planned to do. The trophy last year had gone to his own barracks last year, and it would be shameful if it were to leave its rightful place so soon. So, with Saru being the only competitor from Squad Two in the competition, it was all up to him. The anxiety had hit him as soon as he heard the captain or lieutenant wouldn't be attending, but if there was one thing he had learned from years of constant pressure. That if you smile while nervous, it tends to turn into excitement. Saru wasn't sure if his grin could get any wider. Although he had pre-match jitters, he happened to be one of, if not the best practitioners of hakuda in his squad. He had practiced it ever since youth, and through all those years came skill and confidence that were unmatched by most. His technique was solid, movements were precise, and speed was more than impressive. If Saru called any place home, it was a sparring ring. [i]”Is it time yet? I’m going to explode from this constant waiting”[/i] ----------------------- “[i]I can’t believe that asshole left me in charge.[/i]” Hebi pouted while bringing his fist across a rowdy prisoners face, sending him to the floor near the pile of other unconscious bodies. “[i]I get that he’s better than me, but it’s not my job to control this rabble.[/i]” Saru had left for “important business” or so he had said. "[i]It was probably that damned tournament, now that I think about it.[/i]" Only saying a few words before he dissipated, and left Hebi in charge of the [i]Nest of Maggots[/i], a type of prison for potential threats to the Soul Society and its inhabitants. The inmates were all considered dangerous, some were even ex-shinigami. A had been in for ages, while more were newer to the cave like setting the now dwelled in. The latter provided much more “attention” than the inmates who had accumulated a longer stay. They still hung onto hope that they would escape, and caused trouble for any who entered, so Saru had taken to beating the living hell out of them every day as their rehabilitation, and for a nice morning exercise. Today though, Hebi ran rehabilitation services for his elder brother. Even though Saru could immediately destroy him, these ex-shinigami stood little chance. Lazy or not, he was a Feng, and hakuda was prioritized. Which made Hebi a perfect replacement for the third seat when he wanted to go on little outings and shirk his duties. He hated it almost as much as he hated his brother. [I]I hope he gets his ass kicked today, he more than deserves it.[/i]