Cassandra nodded to Ren, and jogged off to Lilly and Kiddos room. She needed to make sure that Lilly was protected, otherwise, she didn't know if the girl could handle herself. Cassandra was torn. She knew that Lilly needed to know about her andLorenzo, but she hadn't been here but a few hours, and that was the challenging thing. She didn't know what Lilly was capable off, not what the girl would do once she found out that Lorenzo and herself were half demons. Cassandra's gloved hand curled into a first. More the just half demons, but then the others didn't know, even if she suspected that Hax knew their true identities. She sighed. It seemed that there were mysteries within mysteries at this sch- Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the presence of a demon, faint, so faint that she wasn't sure it was there, but her heart began to pound as she looked for the source, and she let out a yell "Lilly!" Sure that if the demon was going after her and Lorenzo, and only Herself being there that the demon would go after Lilly, as Cassandra had already proven she could protect herself, even if it was at a great personal cost. She began to run as fast as she could, which was pretty fast, the comforting weight of her sword slapping lightly against her back as she ran. She couldn't draw it yet-she might go berserker and end up hurting a lot of people. She heard the three gunshots, and as she rounded the corner to Lilly and Kiddos room, she saw Hax walking down the hall. She didn't have any time to react to his presence, and instead she barged into The room, seeing that Lilly was alright. Cassandra let out a soft, long breath of relief, but it didn't last long as she found the bullet holes. So a demon had been here. This out Cassandra in even more of a hard position. Lilly had a right to know, especially since it appeared that being seen with her, Cassandra had put Lilly in danger. She deserved to know. "Lilly?" She asked softly "we need to have that talk"