[center][i]"I'll need to beat you at something tonight, so drinking it is."[/i][/center] As he watched Aeris leave, Tetsu stayed behind for a second to check on the eggs one last time. Tetsu let out a sigh of relief when the readings told him the eggs were fine. With nothing left to do, Tetsu decided to make good on his claim and gave Khan an affectionate head pat before leaving the incubators. Passing through the gardens and giving a respectful bow to Lady Samsarah, Tetsu caught up with Aeris and playfully nudged her side as he said "I take showers you know, just with the lights off." As the two made their way to the "bar" Tetsu ordered the first round of drinks. Nothing too strong but if he was going to drink the day away than he is going to do it right. Pouring a shot for the both of them, Tetsu raised his glass in cheers as he engaged a special feature of his armor. Before he raised the glass to his lips, Tetsu's armor around his mouth pulled away and showed his pale skin that lay underneath. There were several scars just along the lips and chin. Some nasty cuts or ragged burns, but the most noticeable was the large surgical scars that ran along the corners of his mouth and back to where the molars lay. Without reengaging his armor, Tetsu poured another glass and drowned it down effortlessly.