[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/PdmUtGn.jpg[/IMG][/center] Luro clapped along as Danny was welcomed as a fellow member of the StarDusk pirates, he chuckled a little glad it was finally official now she wasn't just a stowaway or Danny but a fellow comrade in full. At the mention of announcements Luro just shook his head as the only thing he did was take the chair and a few other things and he didn't think that was worthy enough of announcement. His attention moved to Kai as he spoke when his flag was brought up, Luro's eyes widened a little hearing he was going to stay behind in Waterdeep, he wasn't entirely sure why he was but he guessed it had something to do with the city, it was his home or something like that. Thankfully Kai explained he was only temporarily departing which relieved Luro a little, what came next however made Luro's whole being shake. Kai just smiled the serious expression vanished completely this was nothing short of a miracle of nature, Luro held his hands up as if the smile itself was blinding but he was grinning behind his hands only lowering them when Kai addressed him. Instead of speaking he just grinned and offered a nod as a response, he watched him go raising his hand and waving as he walked off the ship, still now that he thought about it last night was a wasted opportunity if Kai was staying to take care of business here. Realizing this Luro sighed and lowered his arm as Ray came aboard, his attention returning to the captain as she mentioned where they were going next, taking the flier he couldn't help but smile seeing where they were heading, he wasn't sure of the place but he noticed the mention of a tournament. "I'm definitely going to join in on this," Luro said. "I've never fought a merman before much less met one, I can't pass up the opportunity to fight them and a bunch of other people, they'll probably be really strong too I'm getting excited just thinking about it!" Luro had grabbed a bottle of rum as Ray played and sat on the edge of the ship listening to him only getting up to get more bottles. Thinking about it he never boring to go out to sea, the smells that invaded his nostrils, the sound of the waves and birds cawing above them, and the company of everyone else just made him miss it each time he stepped foot on land, it was almost like a whole other world in a way but before he could think further his head starting hurting, his thoughts were starting to get too complex again. He was pulled from his bliss when Ray stopped playing causing him to open his eyes and looked over in his direction as he addressed the captain, he arched a brow before swinging his legs to the side of the ship and setting them down. When Ray finished speaking Luro's eyes widened in astonishment at what he just heard, his mouth hung slightly agape and after a moment he spoke standing up from his seat with a clenched shaking fist. "Wow.....the captain's name is Runali! I knew I'd remember it eventually," Luro said crossing his arms and nodding. "Thank you Ray I was trying to find a way to ask without it being awkward though it's not fair you get to look cool in front of the captain we're a part of the crew too you know. I'm not much for oaths or obligations myself a bit too binding but if it's about service to the captain I'm right there with you. I'm willing to lay down my life too though I'd prefer to stay alive." Luro turned and promptly pointed at Ray with a grin on his face. "Now stop acting all mysterious and cool only two people are allowed to do that, the captain and Kai, Nolan has a kind nature with the endless eyes that remind me of the ocean and stir up uncomfortable feelings, Danny is the energetic one with that amazing skill of reading those map things and you're the gentleman musician with the devilish smile that attracts the lasses." Luro stopped and lowered his finger bringing a hand to his head, he closed his eyes for a moment his brows furrowing as something seemed to come to mind. "Wait I might have that mixed up somewhere....actually where was I going with that?" Luro shrugged deciding to just drop it and walking back over to the edge sat back down before taking a drink from his bottle, he closed his eyes and grinned a little returning to listening to the waves hit the ship.