I'm starting to lose, uh....... ambiguity, I guess. So why not circle back and cover those points I talked about at the beginning of the thread, and wash my hands of the rest. [quote=mdk]1, the news is selling news about the treatment of the news[/quote] We've been over this a time or two; I know some people are going to disagree with me, but I saw nothing at all wrong with the 'ASSAULT' on Don Lemon. There were [url=http://www.ksdk.com/videos/news/local/2014/08/14/14042891/]some stupid tactics all the same[/url], but I'm willing to chalk most of this up to 'news being where news isn't supposed to be' (if you stick around for the end of the video, the tune changes). Let's have conversations about how to keep news crews safer when they're reporting from dangerous areas. Can 'The freedom of the Press' really be protected while they're, say, shooting from the middle of an angry mob? Is there a better way? [quote]2. The racial advocacy community is selling news about racial injustice[/quote] There has been [i]literally zero[/i] evidence of any racial motivation to the shooting. Zero, zilch, nada. So we can chalk up those New Black Panther death threats and 'Kill the police' chants to Jackson and his cry-wolf tactics. Yet again, these fucks singlehandedly move our country back twenty years at a time [url=http://twitchy.com/2014/08/16/in-ferguson-jesse-jackson-reportedly-booed-after-asking-crowd-for-donations/]just to make some cash[/url]. FUCK. YOU. [quote]3. The police are selling the story that the victim wasn't a victim[/quote] [youtube]FHxXGvXQrno[/youtube] [url=http://www.ijreview.com/2014/08/168698-eyewitness-recalls-important-detail-background-video-mins-ferguson-shooting/]actual conversation by witnesses[/url] Well, there's all my questions answered. And hopefully yours, too.