The voices around the room were blurred noises, words indistinguishable. There were metal braces holding his arms and legs to the chair he was seated in as well as across his torso. His eyes came into focus and his hearing soon followed. There were other hybrids in the room, some similarly bound as he was and others not bound at all. Rage allowed himself a smirk. They thought him dangerous. Good. One by one the other bound Hybrids broke their bonds or were freed by one in particular. The beast looked more like a demon than anything else as it resembled no creature he'd ever seen. And he thought he had it bad. Fire was its element apparently as it went about the room melting bonds on other Hybrids. Rages bonds were cast aside and he stood, stretching. The taut, powerfully chorded muscles beneath his fur flexed and his joints popped. A low growl emanated from his throat as he rolled his shoulders and flexed his claws. This so called Prince of Darkness was a real windbag but if he was out for human blood then Rage was more than happy to accompany him. Some girl shot the wall and Rage guessed that she was aiming for the male behind the woman offering peace and missed. Poor marksmanship. He scoffed at this. "Peace.." the White Tiger spat on the floor. "Peace is a lie. There is no peace. You humans started this now you'll see it through to your bloody ends."