I believe we are, Dr. Horus. We're going through a slow patch at the moment because of school starting up for everyone again. Please take a gander at the character roster link in my signature to get an idea of what we have and what we need. Definitely PM Savi for any questions you may have. My schedule looks like this (I will find time to post this week, I promise!!!!) Monday: Working 7AM-4PM EST (Studying after) Tuesday: Working 7AM - 4PM EST (Studying after) Wednesday: FREE DAY!!!! (screw school!) Thursday: Working 7AM - 4PM EST (Studying after) Friday: Working 7AM - 4PM EST(Studying after) Saturday: FREE DAY!!!! (Studying :/) Sunday: FREE DAY!!!! (totally free!!!) I'm a live in maid on top of my other job (lawn mowing), and I have a boyfriend that I love to hang around with and play video games with in my free time. I'm currently studying as well, so life can get sort of hectic. I don't mean to ignore the RP, I promise ;^: